View Full Version : My second Letus35FE test

Giovanni Speranza
May 7th, 2007, 10:39 AM
I did this fast test with my Letus 35 Flip Enhanced in my fellow's office. Low light (clouds and no indoor light), 50mm Nikon f/1.4

Jeremy Hughes
May 10th, 2007, 12:49 PM
Looked solid for low light, lot of detail, but there was a lot of visible static grain. A big issue for HD if youre watching it in HD. Do you have an HD cut you can post or was this shot 4.3 SD? I'd like to see more examples of people putting those up rather than down converting. Were you open wide at 1.4 or stopped down at all?

Giovanni Speranza
May 10th, 2007, 02:02 PM
The grain comes from the DVX-100 at maximum sharpness, shutter at 60hZ and low battery in Letus35.
Aperture was f/1.4.
If you look at my third post, there is very less grain, because i changed the batteries.