View Full Version : MultiRig and Canon A1: How Steady Shot?

Ben Eldredge
May 6th, 2007, 02:35 PM
Hey Gang!

I'm wondering about the MultiRig with the A1: How steady does the shot look with the A1's image stabilizer turned on? Is it possible to achieve a glidecam look with this setup?

Danny Natovich
May 7th, 2007, 02:03 AM
I can only say that in the Stabilizer Plus mode, You can achieve very fluent and stedy walking shoots that are equal to those achievd with a hand heald
stabilizer but with no stress and fatique over long shoots for many hours of use. Further more you can shoot to the side and make nice tracking shoots and switches when following a walking person or circeling around a group or around a talent. It is also very easy to get good shoots with just a very short practice.

Raymond Toussaint
June 4th, 2007, 08:17 AM
Can I find trustfull video that proves or shows the walking shots with the multirigpro? Although I read it, I would like to see it. And strange enough, I couldn't find anything like that, so please help me out.

Raymond Toussaint
June 5th, 2007, 03:48 PM
I will add some smilies here, :>) that makes this question more friendly, just as it was planned. Someone? A walking shot on 'stabilizer mode' with the multirigpro? :-) // ;>]