View Full Version : What are the best wireless solutions for the 350/330?

Rob Stiff
May 5th, 2007, 08:50 AM
What are the best audio product solutions for using the wireless settings
on the 350/330?

Greg Boston
May 5th, 2007, 09:56 AM
Most any good quality wireless system will work. The main thing is having a place to hang the receiver. Since I use an AB adapter on my camera, it has an edge on the right side with 2 holes to mount a plate that can hold a wireless. I've done a couple shoots where the Senn G2 system was used. Once, directly from receiver, the other was the soundie using two of them and feeding the mixer to the camera.

I have the Sony UDR400 and it works fine. Of course, if you want to spend the big bucks, you could buy the Sony wireless receiver drop in box that goes inline between camera body and battery. There are a couple different receivers out there that will use that drop-in box.


Rob Stiff
May 5th, 2007, 01:28 PM
It take it the inline sony wireless recievers are the only ones
that will allow the 350/330 users to use the wireless setting?

Is there a way to have the camera record to both channels
1 & 2 from a reciever plugged into AUDIO IN CH-1 in the rear?

Ivan Snoeckx
May 6th, 2007, 03:11 AM
You can also use Sennheiser receivers in the Sony CA-WRR855 camera adapter.

The EK-3041-U ( and EK-3241 ( can be used into the Sony slot. All you need to do is buy an adapter (GA 3041-15 ( that converts the Sennheiser connection on the receiver to a 15-pin in the Sony slot.

Rob Stiff
May 6th, 2007, 12:52 PM
Ivan & Greg Thank you.

Can the camera supplied power to the front audio input be
disabled to accomidate a wireless reciever?

Danny Fracasso
February 22nd, 2011, 09:59 AM
You can also use Sennheiser receivers in the Sony CA-WRR855 camera adapter.

The EK-3041-U ( and EK-3241 ( can be used into the Sony slot. All you need to do is buy an adapter (GA 3041-15 ( that converts the Sennheiser connection on the receiver to a 15-pin in the Sony slot.

I have been told by Sennheiser Italy that EK 3041-u need GA 3041-15-A adapter to work on Sony XDCAM Slot-in, and not the regular GA-3041-15.
I have been asking which is the difference between the 2, but answer has been very elusive, never the less, they had insist that the "A" version will be the right one.
Hope this would help