Fabio Martina
May 4th, 2007, 04:32 PM
Dear All,
I ask you gently if anyone could suggest me a simple workflow (possibly, but not necessary, with free software) for to pass from Canon HV20 1080i 50hz .m2t files to 720p 25fps .mpg (MPEG2) files.
Thank you a lot in advance
I have Windows XP SP2
Fabio Martina
May 7th, 2007, 02:04 AM
Sorry for the re-post...
I submit a question more specific:
How I could create deinterlaced files from 1080i PAL videos (.m2t or .mpg) ?
I'm a Windows XP user (I can't use moviemaker for Vista and the version XP can't save HD files), I wan't use Avisynt, I would create files with the best quality possible, progressive and after resizing them to 720p (my actually projector resolution).
But I haven't found on the threads any suggestion about deinterlacing.
Because I'm PAL user, I haven't 3:2 pull-down problem, only need to know wich type interlacing the HV20 pal files are.
Does HV20 interlaced files are AA BB CC ... and we need a recomb software to create 1080p video or can I only create 540p video and how ? I read that Wes Vasher created files 1440x540 real progressive...
I would like to know a software that can create correctly the files de-interlaced (PAL).
Please help me.
Sorry for my english and my confusion...
Thank you at all