View Full Version : Business Site Help!

Santos Ramos
May 4th, 2007, 02:57 PM
How many sites should I have?

If I have a business site that provides photography and videography should I include my personal work?

If some one is looking for corporate videography/photographer and see that I do weddings,nudes,fine art and models. I wounder if this would push them away?

I am working on my site
and I would like to include videography and photography services
but I think it would be too much.

Should I have a site for each category?
Wedding photography/videography
Personal work

If you like to see my old site.

Thanks for your help?

Timothy Harry
May 4th, 2007, 04:42 PM
well the nudes thing could get somewhat really depends on how many nudes you do. I know my wife would be really mad at me if i did more than one nude, and that nude has to be the same nude.....posting that on your website could be hazardous to your health more than hazardous to your business.....

ok all jokes aside I am seriously impressed by your site. If it was me, I would probably include it all. When I look for someone to do my graphics etc, I do look for someone who is well rounded in their craft. I dont want some monkey who just does one thing. I want someone who is influenced by his/her surroundings. I think you site definitely says that you are cultured, and you may lose some business over it, but if someone isnt comfortable with a website that truly reflects you, I really do not think that they would be any more comfortable with you in person.

just my .02

Patrick Moreau
May 5th, 2007, 07:04 AM
I would consider how much of each type of work your currently doing and how much of each type you would like to be doing. If you do a lot of corporate photography, I would make sure to keep that as its own menu item. If you don't do much models and corp video, why not group them together. I personally try to keep weddings separate from commercial/corp stuff for both photo and video because I find not only does it not help, it can actually hurt business. A couple looking for wedding services won't spend long on your site, so you want to make sure you get your best and most relevant shots to them quickly. So maybe doing a commercial/corporate site that has a link for photo and then a separate gallery for each category, and the same for video. You could then have a link on that site to your wedding one, but a wedding site could stand on its own and offer photo and video.

I would really work on the layout for the wedding feel as it has a very corporate look, which is great for the one side of your business but not the other. I would also probably put some more post or choose different images for your main page as you have some awesome stuff on there but I don't think the images you chose on the front represent that.

I would also keep personal stuff off both, as I think it makes it look lower end. If it is that good, mix it in to the corp section.


Santos Ramos
May 6th, 2007, 06:10 PM
Thank you Timothy and Patrick for the great advice.
What about if I have one business that sends the client to
In the I can create 4 links
Corporate,Wedding,Personal and Models.
I would hate to have 4 separate sites to show my work because it makes it too hard to keep them up to date.

I own the site (Under Construction)


Timothy Harry
May 7th, 2007, 07:39 AM
it could definitely work. It is a ton of work to make and maintain 2 sites, but it could be worth it, it really depends on how much time you have to dedicate to the project.