View Full Version : Anyway to embed video into email

Kevin Penhorwood
May 4th, 2007, 08:18 AM
I am not really up on web delivery methods but I was wanting to know if there is anyway to embed a small video into an email so that when they open up the email the video starts playing in the body of the email. Is this possible?

If not, are there any other methods to sending video through email other than attaching a .mov, .avi etc file? Is a flash player file better for emails than regular .mov etc.? I am not really knowledgeable about flash player files etc.

Any help would be appreciated!!

Per Johan Naesje
May 4th, 2007, 08:46 AM
I don't think this is recommended. Emailservers often have a filesize limit of 1-2 MB included attachments. Such a small filesize will not give you much options to videosize and quality!

The best way will be to upload your video to a host, like youtube etc. and then put the link in the email.

Kevin Penhorwood
May 4th, 2007, 08:52 AM
Thanks, I thought about doing that but wanted to experiment with trying to embed the video. I was thinking about something very short possibly 15 seconds or less. If you were able to keep the file size below the 1-2 mb size could it be done? And what would the best method be. These emails would be going to specific individuals not used as a mass marketing tool.