View Full Version : NEO HDV file bit size?

Chan Ee Jien
May 3rd, 2007, 08:40 PM
I just upgraded to Neo HDV from Connect HD. I notice that from the file properties, the video rendered out by Neo is in 30bit while those rendered by the older Connect HD is in 24 bit. It is because of the codec is different (is it based on Prospects?)

Also what other benefits do we get if the file is in 30bit as opposed to 24bit? Will the file be slightly larger. I usually only render out in Large to maintain quality.


David Newman
May 3rd, 2007, 09:49 PM
You have discovered one of the more secret reasons to used any of the NEO products over Connect HD. Yes, internal the codec uses high procession. We aren't promoting this heavily as the I/O to the low end codec is still 8-bit, but the higher internal procession makes it even less lossy. Data rate may climb 5%, but the quality jumps far more than that.