View Full Version : New web compression techniques

Steven Galvano
May 2nd, 2007, 09:25 AM
Years back I bought Sorenson Squeeze v3. I used it to make .movs and .swfs in multiple sizes. It immediately bought the quality of my online presentations much higher.
About 2 years ago, I purchased FInal Cut Studio and began using h.264 in Compressor instead of .mov's with Squeeze.

I just updated all my applications. FCS2, Flash CS3, etc. I'm wondering now if I can also update my compression techniques.
I looked at On2 VP6 about a year ago, and liked it, but wasnt affected enough to buy.
What's the latest and greatest out there? What are the big boys using now? Is there anything on the horizon that I should be waiting for with Flash CS3 freshly released?

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Steven Galvano
Colors Studios