View Full Version : MiniDV or HD tapes?

Herman Chen
May 2nd, 2007, 09:21 AM

Quick question. I just got my HD100 and was wondering what's the difference between using miniDV tapes with it and using HD tapes with it?

Tim Dashwood
May 2nd, 2007, 01:41 PM
Dropout rate. (as a result of tape quality, lubricant, coatings, and S/N ratio.)

I personally recommend using only ProHD tape. The newer white tapes seem to be even better than the original dark grey ones.
This discussion comes up on a weekly basis here. The Panasonic MQ tape does not seem to meet the standards required for reliable HDV recording. Some members have had success with the hi-end Sony "HDV" tape, but the warning is that you should not mix brands on the heads...ever.

Don't take your tape stock decision lightly. Choose a brand and stock and stick with it. Once again I'll say that I highly recommend JVC's ProHD stock.

Jad Meouchy
May 2nd, 2007, 01:42 PM
the difference is that 'HD' tapes cost more and are supposed to be more resistant to dropouts, but honestly I've not really noticed a difference