View Full Version : DHR 1000 Croping DV Cam Footage

Allan Gordon
May 5th, 2003, 07:29 AM
I have recently shot some footage using a DSR 250 on DV Cam mode.

When I play back the footage on my DV Sony DHR1000 it appears to be artificially cropping the footage. Specifically, it makes the footage very tight, eg as if I did not leave enough room above peoples heads when filming the scene.

However, after capturing the footage onto the pc and playing the footage from the timeline using MSPro 7, and watching it in the preview window on the monitor, its perfect, and as it was filmed, with plenty room above peoples heads.

Yet, when I create a project and play from the timeline, via firewire through the DHR 1000 it appears very tight on the tv conected to the DHR 1000?

Is this a consequence of using the DHR 1000 to play a DV Cam recorded tape?


Phil Mathews
May 5th, 2003, 08:29 AM
I just checked mine out and it plays the dvcam tape properly.

I had my 1st shoot this weekend using the dsr-250 in dvcam mode. I also have the dhr1000 deck which is hooked up to a Sony tv and the video looks normal...not squeezed like the problem you are having.

Surely it must be the monitor or tv you have it hooked up to. Is there an overscan setting on your monitor?


Phil Mathews
May 5th, 2003, 08:31 AM
just another thought. Did you shoot the video in 16:9 on your dsr250?

Allan Gordon
May 5th, 2003, 09:04 AM
Thanks for the comments. However, I am somewhat embaressed.

I overlooked the safe area in the viewfinder :(

One of my fello videographer friends is going to correct the sequence using his RTX 100.

Thanks for the prompt replys.
