View Full Version : What things slow rendering most?

Paul Cascio
April 30th, 2007, 06:27 PM
Relatively speaking, what timeline actions slow rendering the most?
Video Filters?
Audio Filters?
More tracks?

What should I avoid most if I want to cut render (MPEG) times? I hate rendering.

Also, how does the Architect MPEG encoding differ from NTSC DVD encoding?

Sorry. Wrong topic. Can someone move this to Vegas. Thanks

Robert Castiglione
April 30th, 2007, 09:59 PM
Maybe it is important to distinguish the different kinds of tasks you are referring to?

From what I am told by computer type people compression using various codecs (say for making a DVD) is just unavoidable even for the fastest computers, particularly in relation to MPEG encoding at the "best" quality settings. It will take a massive increase in computer power to address this (you can be sure that that will happen). I do sympathise with your hatred of slow render and the way it slows down workflow. A seventeen minute project I recently encoded to MPEG -2 (well not personally encoded, actually it was Compressor) took about six hours.

In relation to rendering times I suppose you could work "off line" at much lower resolutions and then do an online when you have finished. This has not been possible for me because of the dodgy way in which FCP handles JVC timecode at 25P. The integrity of timecode on your tapes is crucial to working in this way.
