View Full Version : forums acting whacky
Bill Busby April 29th, 2007, 07:52 PM Anyone have any issues here today? I was only able to get here by selecting a link in an email from a subscribed thread.
Chris, are you doing maintenance or something?
Chris Hurd April 29th, 2007, 07:53 PM I noticed the floorboards were a little creaky today, but hopefully we have those issues fixed now.
Yow Siang April 29th, 2007, 08:08 PM yup me too got an database error message earlier on.
Bill Busby May 6th, 2007, 11:26 AM I noticed the floorboards were a little creaky today, but hopefully we have those issues fixed now.
Shh... listen... I think the creaks are back :)
Chris Hurd May 6th, 2007, 10:55 PM Today we "emergency migrated" back to our old box, and will be moving to a brand new server within a day or two. Thanks for bearing with us in the interim.
Bill Busby May 6th, 2007, 11:24 PM Thanks for the update, Chris.
Laurentiu Todie May 15th, 2007, 03:10 AM and they'll help fix the floor
(just like Phil did with : )
Chris Hurd May 15th, 2007, 06:02 AM Ha ha -- you're referring to
In the history of DV Info Net, there have been a couple of offers to buy the site (once from a sponsor and twice from another site which thinks it competes with us). Neither were what I would call serious gestures.
We're nowhere near as big as DP Review, so I don't think Amazon will be knocking at the door anytime in the foreseeable future.
Peter Ferling May 15th, 2007, 06:20 AM ...We're nowhere near as big as DP Review...
Which makes us an elite group, don't you think? Furthermore, I couldn't emagine having to click through some ads just to read a few posts (like a certain site I used to frequent).
Bill Busby May 15th, 2007, 06:34 AM I got reprimanded not long ago by another site for posting Dvinfo's url to someone looking for XH-A1 presets, etc... saying they compete for the same ad sponsors... which isn't true at all. :-\
Chris Hurd May 15th, 2007, 07:05 AM My apologies, Bill, but I had to edit your post slightly as the reference to another site was a bit too identifiable. I really don't want to raise tensions between DV Info Net and any other online community (I'd rather just pretend that the others don't even exist).
But you're right, of course; I'm trying hard to keep the ad sponsors here unique and unlike other banner campaigns that can be found elsewhere, as much as possible.
Boyd Ostroff May 15th, 2007, 07:17 AM Kind of OT, but speaking of Amazon, I was surprised to learn awhile ago that they also own IMDB (the Internet Movie Database). I don't think many people are aware of that...
The Internet Movie Database (, a subsidiary of
Chris Hurd May 15th, 2007, 08:20 AM I certainly wasn't aware of that... their acquisition of DP Review makes more sense to me now.
Boyd Ostroff May 15th, 2007, 08:30 AM Well it makes me feel better to know I wasn't the only one :-)
Looks like it's ancient history in internet terms though...
In 1998, Jeff Bezos, founder, owner and CEO of struck a deal with Col Needham and other principal shareholders, to buy IMDb outright and attach it to his corporate empire as a subsidiary, private company.[5] This gave IMDb the ability to pay the shareholders salaries for their work, while would be able to use the IMDb as an advertising resource for selling DVDs and videotapes. Volunteer contributors were not advised in advance of even the possibility of IMDb - and their contributions along with it - being sold to a private business, which created some initial discord and defection of regulars.
Dave Stern May 21st, 2007, 09:26 PM sometimes when I click on a message link (from the board), I get IE asking me to save or open the index.php ... is it just me / my browser or does anyone else get this? (sorry if this is a dup)? I hit cancel and then try again until the page opens like normal...
I dont' seem to get this anywhere else and I think I've cleared my cache, etc.
Chris Soucy May 21st, 2007, 11:03 PM "sometimes when I click on a message link (from the board), I get IE asking me to save or open the index.php ... is it just me / my browser or does anyone else get this? (sorry if this is a dup)? I hit cancel and then try again until the page opens like normal..."
Yep, that's started doing the same on my system too. Only occasionally and only, from memory, in the last couple of weeks or so. I'm on IE7 and W XP.
I'm on "auto update" for MS stuff so I never have a clue whether it's one of their updates or a problem somewhere else when sommat starts playing up.
Not terminal, just annoying.
Dave Stern May 23rd, 2007, 08:19 AM "sometimes when I click on a message link (from the board), I get IE asking me to save or open the index.php ... is it just me / my browser or does anyone else get this? (sorry if this is a dup)? I hit cancel and then try again until the page opens like normal..."
Yep, that's started doing the same on my system too. Only occasionally and only, from memory, in the last couple of weeks or so. I'm on IE7 and W XP.
I'm on "auto update" for MS stuff so I never have a clue whether it's one of their updates or a problem somewhere else when sommat starts playing up.
Not terminal, just annoying.
yup, last several weeks for me too... win xp sp2 ie 6 something.
not terminal at all, but was more efficient without it!
just thought I'd see if anyone else was having that before I started looking too hard at any changes on my own browser settings... given that at least 2 are (me and you), in the same timeframe, I'm wondering whether some change to the site isn't causing it... although it doesn't seem to have a pattern, which is very odd to me (unless there is some type of dispatcher or IP sprayer which, depending on which server is serving the page back, may cause an issue)..
oh well... thanks for your reply!
Chris Soucy September 2nd, 2007, 08:06 PM My current list of whacky behaviour.........
1a. Wake system from sleep mode, get DVinfo opening screen from half an hour earlier, 12 "new post" flags up. Hit IE7 refresh, get page back with only 4 flags up. Click on any flag - no new post. Click back, now have 23 flags up. Click on any flag - 50/ 50 there will/ will not be a new post.
1b. As 1a. but first click Forum with no flag up (after the refresh). Hey presto, there's a new post. Click back out and the flag count has doubled in 20 seconds.
2. Click on forum with new post flag. Read entry (the only entry) click back out. Flag still there. Dive back in - nope, no new post. Back out, flag still there. Or not, 50% of the time. Sometimes the flag is, indeed, gone.
3. Go to a Forum, RH entry says "last post - Joe Blogs etc etc" Dive into Forum, no Joe Blogs, nor thread as titled. Click back out, Joe Blogs still in evidence on RHS, so click on "Joe Blogs" last post - thread has 15 other posts already before the one mentioned. Click back out and re - enter Forum from LHS entry - Joe Blogs still AWOL. Or not, about 50/ 50.
4.This is really good!
Yesterday @ exactly 2.02 pm (for some reson I checked my wall clock to confirm) the screen refreshed and there in the Canon A1/ G1 Forum was Chris Hurds post re the Gee Gees (on the RHS as "Last Post"). Time shown - 2.02 pm. Read it. So far so good. Then, about 4.05 pm I checked and the Last Post entry was "Eric Weiss" @ 4.02. Clicked in and read it. Clicked back out again.
What the???
The "last post" entry now read, wait for it...........Chris Hurd 2.02!!! Clicked back in, nope, it was lying. Clicked back out, Chris was still there, and rather stubbornly remained so till I powered the system off around midnight. Chris, that's what I call staying power! Not only that - but today Chris's entry is timed @ 5.22 AM!
I think I may be going mad.
To achieve these wonderfull "Whacky"s you require:
Windows XP SP2, IE7, DVinfo. Stir over a low heat, serve. Voila.
PS. The save or open whacky is down to about 1/2% (thats a half BTW) so much improved.
Chris Hurd September 2nd, 2007, 08:19 PM Three words Chris:
Switch. To. FireFox (
Never mind that man behind the curtain (me that is). I can have a reply window open for hours. I'll click reply, start writing the post, go make coffee, feed the dogs, feed the horses, mow the lawn, work on the tractor, wash the truck and then come back and finish writing that post. Thus my presence here for hours on end.
Chris Soucy September 2nd, 2007, 08:28 PM and had sorta figured that may have been something to do with it.
Boyd Ostroff September 2nd, 2007, 09:23 PM Here's a good one which happens to me in Safari, does anyone else see this same behavior?
Click on this link:
Whoa!... it just logged me out! I have an empty login and password field at the top right of the page.
Now click on this link:
Welcome back! It's great to see you again.
Is this just a Safari thing or do some other browsers exhibit the same behavior? Look closely at those two URL's...
Mathieu Ghekiere September 3rd, 2007, 04:39 AM A couple of days ago - or a week or something, don't know exactly anymore, I replied to 2 or 3 threads, and all my answers seem to have been lost. I'm sure they weren't deleted by the moderators, because it were very normal posts. But when I re-opened the boards after a couple of hours, my answers didn't appear on the threads, on a couple of them.
Since then everything has been okay.
Boyd Ostroff September 3rd, 2007, 07:59 AM Mathieu, in one of your posts click on your name and choose "view public profile" from the dropdown menu. In the screen that opens click on the link that says "find all posts". That will give you the complete list of everything you've written. If you can't find it there it just doesn't exist :-)
Chris Soucy September 4th, 2007, 02:30 AM Chris, I heard what you said (er, typed), but either DVinfo is going well "off road" as regards to IE7, or I've got a serious problem on my machine.
The fact that no one else is reporting this makes me think I have a system problem, but hey, what sort of a system problem reports "New Posts" flags when there are no new posts? Simply doesn't update "Last Post" entries that are 4 hours out of date?
I cannot figure out how IE7 can simply be making this stuff up.
What has brought this to a head tonight is the usual - refresh DVinfo, no, zero, nada, zilch "New Post" flags up. Dive into one Forum and thread, back out to the opening screen and every single Forum and Sub Forum has a "New Post" flag up (and I do mean every single one, thought I'd died and gone to Heaven).
Not one post in any of them.
Really, really, really annoyed,
( I would have put "Tunbridge Wells" but that would have been a dead give away).
PS. Please, if anyone else using IE7 is getting this, let us know. The thought of trying to change to another browser in the middle of everything else I'm in the middle of is just too horrible to contemplate!
Chris Soucy September 4th, 2007, 02:48 AM Entered the above post, backed out, did a refresh, and there it was as the "last post" in the "DV Info Net Announcements" forum.
Checked another forum, backed out, and guess who's the last post in the "DV Info Net Announcement" forums? Yep, you guessed it - you, Chris H, but in the "Seperate ad" thread which, according to the times shown, you hadn't touched for at least 12 hours!
There is something seriously wrong with your permissions or something, because it would appear (to my system anyway) that any of your posts simply steamroller any others in your wake and you sit there for ever.
I'm not nagging, just stating. I really cannot believe nobody else is seeing this.
Hey, if your system guys can't find it, it's got to be this end, in which case I'll add it to the other 5,783 items on my current "to do" list.
"Go To FireFox", yeah, yeah, I heard (er, Hurd).