View Full Version : HDMI out from V1 = 720p ... what the?

John Hewat
April 28th, 2007, 08:35 PM
I finally bought myself an HDMI cable and connected my V1P to my brand new Benq 24" 1920x1200 monitor.

I was surprised to see that the image was not filling the whole monitor, but about 2/3 of it.

I looked at the settings on the monitor and had the 1:1 pixel mapping turned on, so it should have been displaying 1920x1080.

But in the information menu on the monitor, it said it was receiving a 720p signal via the HDMI cable.

How can that be?

I tested the V1 on Record and Playback, and made sure I was in HDV mode.

Matt Vanecek
April 29th, 2007, 12:10 AM
My Phillips HDTV indicates 1080i when I hook up my camera to the HDMI input.

Maybe it's a TV setting...

John Cline
April 29th, 2007, 12:28 AM
Hooking my V1u to a Dell 2407 using an HDMI to DVI cable results in a display of 480i. I was expecting 1080i, but I could never get it to work. Heck, I'd be happy with 720p. The same V1u with the same settings happily displays glorious 1080i on a Sony 60" SXRD rear projector when using an HDMI cable. Plug it into the Dell... 480i.


Steve Mullen
April 29th, 2007, 01:29 AM
Welcome to the screwed-up world of HDMI/DVI. The monitor should report to the source -- v1 -- what its resolution is. But, with a DVI port the monitor is not correctly responding.

Anyone who works in hd needs to fork over the money for a real 32" to 50" LCD HDTV monitor with HDMI. Using a computer monitor is only asking for trouble. Dump the Dell and get a Bravia.

Piotr Wozniacki
April 29th, 2007, 01:36 AM
Welcome to the screwed-up world of HDMI/DVI. The monitor should report to the source -- v1 -- what its resolution is. But, with a DVI port the monitor is not correctly responding.

Anyone who works in hd needs to fork over the money for a real 32" to 50" LCD HDTV monitor with HDMI. Using a computer monitor is only asking for trouble. Dump the Dell and get a Bravia.

Or, for much lower price, a 1920x1200 LCD with component input.

Marcus Marchesseault
April 29th, 2007, 02:28 AM
I had the same problem with a 24" computer monitor. Even the component wouldn't work right. On all "TV" sets I've tried, the signal has been either 480i on smaller HD models or 1080i on larger sets. I have never had 720p come up.

The ONLY HD monitor under 26" that I have had a good report from is the Vizio VX-20L. This came in from Seth Bloombaum.

It's amazing how difficult this has been, but at least there is some sort of solution that isn't huge or cost a fortune. I've seen this monitor at Costco and it wasn't so bad. I'm not that crazy about LCD HDTV monitors due to an artifact that looks like macroblocking. I think it may be partially a result of the video signal sent to the displays in the store. The Vizio VX-20L didn't seem to have so much of this problem, but it doesn't look as high in resolution as a big plasma display. Seth said it looks good viewing video at home, so I'm not taking too much stock in the in-store image. I may take my V1 in some day to do some tests.

Marcus Marchesseault
April 29th, 2007, 02:31 AM
I think we need to start a thread to list every small-sized monitor that properly displays video from the V1 through HDMI and make it a sticky.

John Hewat
April 29th, 2007, 04:04 AM
Welcome to the screwed-up world of HDMI/DVI. The monitor should report to the source -- v1 -- what its resolution is. But, with a DVI port the monitor is not correctly responding.

Anyone who works in hd needs to fork over the money for a real 32" to 50" LCD HDTV monitor with HDMI. Using a computer monitor is only asking for trouble. Dump the Dell and get a Bravia.

I'm not using HDMI -> DVI, I'm using HDMI to HDMI.

My Benq has HDMI with HDCP enabled. I don't understand it...

Mike Dunning
May 30th, 2007, 02:50 PM
Has anyone heard of any other HDTV monitors working correctly with the V1?

I have a Samsung 42" Plasma that reports 480i from the camera as well as a 40" Bravia, which it reported correctly as 1080i (and looked amazing as well).

John Hewat
May 30th, 2007, 08:14 PM
I have a Samsung 42" Plasma that reports 480i from the camera as well as a 40" Bravia, which it reported correctly as 1080i (and looked amazing as well).

Don't you experience quite a bit of lag or ghosting on the LCD TVs though? When I've plugged my V1 & Z1s into the Full HD Bravias and the Samsung the ghosting is bleedingly obvious.

Marcus Marchesseault
May 30th, 2007, 08:50 PM
My camera looks FANTASTIC plugged into a big plasma or LCD screen. It's the small monitors that don't accept 1080i HDMI signals that are the problem. It would be nice if there was a proper image scaler in computer monitors with DVI, but it never seems to work at HD. Every computer monitor with DVI I have tried will play the video, but downscale to 480. I need a production HD monitor much more than I need a 42" television. Computer monitors have the screen resolution and the right connector but they don't scale the image properly.

John Hewat
May 30th, 2007, 10:57 PM
My camera looks FANTASTIC plugged into a big plasma or LCD screen. It's the small monitors that don't accept 1080i HDMI signals that are the problem. It would be nice if there was a proper image scaler in computer monitors with DVI, but it never seems to work at HD. Every computer monitor with DVI I have tried will play the video, but downscale to 480. I need a production HD monitor much more than I need a 42" television. Computer monitors have the screen resolution and the right connector but they don't scale the image properly.

That's strange - I always figured it would be the LCD TVs that had problems.

Marcus Marchesseault
May 30th, 2007, 11:15 PM
I don't claim to be the expert on HDTV models, but I do have a preference for plasma screens because of artifacting that looks like macroblocking on almost all LCD models. I think it is a function of deficient image processing circuitry and not because of a lack of resolution. I have compared many large LCD models next to plasma screens showing the same content and there is a definite problem with most LCD HDTVs. Regardless, the image on some of them is fairly good and the resolution would be enough to judge focus with some models. The LCD HDTV that looked almost as good as a plasma with the V1 was a projection LCD console.

There are no small HD plasma models, so we must try to find LCD models with HDMI compatibility with the V1.

Steve Mullen
May 31st, 2007, 12:18 AM
There are no small HD plasma models, so we must try to find LCD models with HDMI compatibility with the V1.
I've plugged my V1 into a fair number of LCD HDTVs from India to the USA and it always worked fine. But, these were HomeTtheater units -- not PC type monitors.

I simply don't trust the PC units as even with expensive theater units more than half do not deinterlace correctly.

Look for any Sharp or Sony 32" to 42" LCD. Smaller is just too small. Go to the AVS Forum and read about which ones work. This is not the list for Home Theater monitors. :)