View Full Version : Any luck putting a 35mm lens adaptor on the V1u?

Heath McKnight
April 28th, 2007, 08:06 AM
I know that the lens is smaller than the average DV/HDV camera, but has anyone been able to stick a 35mm adaptor (P+S Technik (, RedRock Micro (, etc.) on the front of the HVR-V1u yet?

I like the idea of using the body of the V1u has my record device and the 35mm lens adaptor with nice primes and zooms on the front.



Todd Giglio
April 28th, 2007, 09:28 AM

I have the Redrock Micro M2 and have had no problems using it with the V1U (in fact, I like using it with the V1 better than the Z1). You need to use a stepdown ring, and the hardmount works great. The smaller body of the V1 actually gives the rig a more refined look. I'm just waiting for the RR Mattebox and Remote FF, and I'll be all set.

I'll be posting pictures of the rig soon (I had to send the M2 back for repair because of user error... :( )

There are clips on that I had posted showing various lenses with the V1 and the M2 (do a search and you'll find them).

If you have any other questions, let me know.


Heath McKnight
April 28th, 2007, 09:35 AM
Which package did you buy? The HD package or HD cinematographers package?

Post some pix, please!


Todd Giglio
April 28th, 2007, 10:10 AM

I bought the HD Indie package with Nikon mount. I will definitely post pics (including my HD field monitor) when I get the M2 back. Hopefully I can get it back in a few weeks (waiting is the hardest part).

Heath McKnight
April 28th, 2007, 10:17 AM
How much did you pay? Is this the package?;jsessionid=ac112b2d1f43ff47b84e57224eb59c09850b6e64c61f.e3eTaxePaNqNe34Pa38Ta38Lahj0?c=472981&it=A&id=248&sc=2&category=1



Heath McKnight
April 28th, 2007, 10:18 AM
If that link doesn't work, here's a general one:


Todd Giglio
April 28th, 2007, 10:24 AM

That's cheaper than I paid (they didn't have all those accessories when I first bought; I wish they had). I actually ended up spending twice that on just the Nikon lenses.

Overall, I'm very pleased with Redrock. They are continuing to add accessories that make our lives as Indie Filmmakers a heck of a lot easier (at least a heck of a lot more affordable).

I do know that the M2 loses light, so professional lighting is a must when shooting (I don't need to tell you that, because you've already shot some really nice stuff).


Heath McKnight
April 28th, 2007, 11:25 AM
What about losing a stop or two? Is that happening? Can i pump up the gain to 6 dB? (Or simply add more light, of course.)


Todd Giglio
April 28th, 2007, 12:02 PM
You can add gain (6db is about right). I think I'm just going to add more light. Since you are losing a stop or two, more intense light on set does look more 'natural' on camera.

Dave Morgan
April 28th, 2007, 01:07 PM

I bought the HD Indie package with Nikon mount. I will definitely post pics (including my HD field monitor) when I get the M2 back. Hopefully I can get it back in a few weeks (waiting is the hardest part).

i herd that its hard to get the focus right when using the adapers.? is this true?

when using the adapter you cant use the cameras focous or zoom?

Marcus Marchesseault
April 28th, 2007, 05:36 PM
I have the Brevis35 for the V1 and it works fine. I have the HD bundle with achromat and Nikon mount. The quality is excellent and it's a very functional size. I don't even require the rail system, but I got it anyway to add accessories.

Focus is done by the Nikon lens. The camera lens only focuses on the Brevis' screen. It stays put once I have it focused on the screen. I lose a bit of light, but it's really not that bad. The Brevis loses less light than I expected. Outdoors, it isn't noticeable at all and I still need to use ND filters. Indoors, the V1 needs a fair amount of light anyway, so this won't be used as an event video device in dark ballrooms or dim conference rooms.

The Brevis35 can be found at Dennis Wood is the owner and does a fine job of customer service. At the beginning, there were long wait times due to manufacturing backlogs, but now the time seems to be down to a 2-week wait at most before shipping. I waited much longer, but it was worth the wait. It really seems like a perfect adapter considering all the factors. It is simple to install once it is first tweaked (backfocus).

Daniel Boswell
April 29th, 2007, 11:12 PM
I know that the lens is smaller than the average DV/HDV camera, but has anyone been able to stick a 35mm adaptor (P+S Technik (, RedRock Micro (, etc.) on the front of the HVR-V1u yet?

I like the idea of using the body of the V1u has my record device and the 35mm lens adaptor with nice primes and zooms on the front.



captured with V1 and Letus Flip Enhanced

Dennis Wood
April 30th, 2007, 11:48 PM
Thanks Marcus :-) We are caught up with adapter orders finally, and can have units pretty much anywhere in the world within 18 to 48 hours of an order being placed.

Marcus Marchesseault
May 1st, 2007, 03:28 AM
Okay, say that Dennis gets a nasty case of influenza and snow blocks shipment for a few days: the Brevis is worth waiting a few weeks in the worst case scenario. Honestly, I think the ease of the Brevis form-factor is underrated. It takes about 30 seconds to dismount the Brevis if you need to run-n-gun and not much longer to set it back up.

I believe Dennis when he says that he can get products out quickly now. He has shipped more adapters in the past two months than in the year previous. Also, the Brevis is constantly being updated with new choices. I think there are at least 4 diffuser choices at this point for different situations and cameras.

Somebody buy me a Cinevate Mattebox!

I need to edit some video and put up some Brevis/V1 footage. Sorry for my laziness.

Bob Buruchian
May 1st, 2007, 02:48 PM
Is the image upside down in the viewfinder with the Brevis?

Also can you use other mattebox systems?

and last, is there a follow focus system available?

Heath McKnight
May 1st, 2007, 05:16 PM
Okay, what are the options for 35mm lens adaptors?

1. Redrock Micro (

2. P+S Technik (

3. Cinevate (

Any others? And please provide links.


Marcus Marchesseault
May 1st, 2007, 08:10 PM
Is the image upside down in the viewfinder with the Brevis?

Also can you use other mattebox systems?

and last, is there a follow focus system available?

Adapters ALWAYS invert the image. It is a function of physics and lenses. All lenses invert images. Your eyeballs do it. Your camera does it. The chips in your camera are essentially upside down to correct the inversion. Some adapters have an extra device that re-inverts the image, but that adds more things in the light path so there is less light and more places to get dust.

The Brevis uses standard rail systems, so any mattebox should work.

I believe the follow focus is in development at the beta prototype stage. Go to the cinevate forums for more information.

Chris Leong
May 1st, 2007, 08:42 PM
Just building this:

Home made 35mm DOF box.

Uses pretty much home-found parts except for a 72mm Redrock HD achromat which I've got on a 62/72mm step-up ring at the moment.

(planning in using this box with other cameras with larger lenses as well, otherwise I might well have gone with 52mm)

Uses a standard Cavision 15mm rod system.

That's my Chroszeil 4x4 matte box off my 16mm camera up front.
Beachtek 8 and Varizoom monitor battery sitting on top of the DOFbox until I find a better home for them.

Nikon primes for the moment. Maybe 35mm movie primes later on, we'll see how this goes.

The Varizoom 7" monitor up top does the unflipping and reversing.

Love this camera!

Stephen Deboo
May 5th, 2007, 09:46 AM
Hi folks I have a SGPro R2 on my V1E with Canon FD lenses. The one on this picture is a 135mm F2 lens its great, I love this thing. I have a cheap Indian Mattebox now so I will take another picture with it on the rig looks great, just need my FF now.

Winston Ashley
May 18th, 2007, 11:15 PM
I recently traveled to Cambodia for my church and took a V1U, Letus35 flip(, and a canon eos 85mm. I have the low rez video available at, first video on the left, if you want to see what it looks like go there. (shot in 1080 60i and edited in 480 60i)

My opinion: The advantage of the letus35 flip is that it flips the image so you dont have to do that in post. Plus as I was shooting, it was nice not to figure out a way to see it right side up (since most 35 adapters record it upside down). I did a lot of shooting from the hip and all hand held. I could just screw the adapter on, add the lens, adjust the camera settings, and i was ready to shoot. In the end, I was impressed that the letus did so well for the price, and allowed me to shoot amazing video! That's my experience, hope that helps.. -wam

Marcus Marchesseault
May 19th, 2007, 05:14 AM
Great images. I'm always impressed by the color from the V1. The footage with and without the adapter mixes nicely.

Stephen Deboo
June 12th, 2007, 02:30 AM
Hi again, I know most of you guys are from accross the pond but the SGPro R3 is really worth a look, check out the home page and watch the test vids, the light loss is minimal about 1 stop and then the lens you use will also add some loss but go for the the F1.4 or F1.2 primes if you can. I have my system setup on rails and I can switch from 35mm rail system to V1 with its own sun shade and back in about 3 minutes. Most of this time is getting the focal distance and focus on the GG but its very easy, run and gun with the system gets a bit tiresome but most of my work is supported. Its really worth a look and Wayne Kinney has allways been spot on for support and responses.

And no I am not associated with the SGPro or Wayne. Its just a great piece of kit.

Piotr Wozniacki
June 12th, 2007, 03:29 AM

For your SGPro, which step-up ring are you using with the V1? Also, how do you manage image flipping?

Stephen Deboo
June 12th, 2007, 03:35 AM

The version of SGPro I have is the R2 with the longer tube and Achromat. It uses a 72mm to 62mm adapter ring that was supplied with the unit. I use FCP to flip the image in Post. But Wayne has a flip adapter he is thinking of developing as an add on, but only if he gets a high enough demand.

Piotr Wozniacki
June 12th, 2007, 03:41 AM
That's interesting, as with the Rev3 it's said on the web page that they don't provide step-up rings for cameras with lens other than 72mm...

Stephen Deboo
June 12th, 2007, 03:44 AM
I must admit I dont remember getting the ring with the adapter but I can't think of anything that I have that it would have come with. I order so much kit off the internet its possible I did get this from a third party company though. Steve

Piotr Wozniacki
June 12th, 2007, 04:01 AM
Forgive my ignorance, but what exactly is the function of the achromat in 35mm setups?

Stephen Deboo
June 12th, 2007, 05:01 AM
It helps get a good focus on the ground glass, some cameras do not require them but even without needing them you get a better result. Wayne explained that the long tube (which is longer than Rev 1) helps obtain the maximum resolution of the imaged help also by the Acromat.