View Full Version : matching up VX2100 and the XH A1

Jeff Harper
April 26th, 2007, 06:03 AM
I have a VX2100 and need to order a new camera soon...the Canon XH A1 looks really good, escpecially next to the FX7, which is what I had THOUGHT I was going to buy until I saw a reference to the Canon last night...I started reading reviews, and well, now I am loathe to order the FX7.
Questions: any chance of reconciling wedding footage shot the the Canon and the 2100. For that matter does the Canon shoot in 4:3 SD mode, and can it use Standard mini-DV tapes like the FX7 does?

I cannot imagine the footage of the two could be matched up, and I so do not want to buy a non-Sony camera, but the Canon looks amazing...the XLR, the quality, everything.

Don Palomaki
April 26th, 2007, 02:10 PM
Questions: any chance of reconciling wedding footage shot the the Canon and the 2100. For that matter does the Canon shoot in 4:3 SD mode, and can it use Standard mini-DV tapes like the FX7 does?

The XH A1 does support 4:3 SD mode very nicely, and it can use standard MiniDV tapes. However, if shooting HDV mode you may want to use a higher quality tape.

Will footage intermix well with footage from a VX2100? The main issue is probably when you get in to low light situations and the camcorders realy stat to show their mfgr's personalities. I suspect with careful use of presets and possibly applying some additional color correction/filtering in post you can get a reasonable match, but some one else will have to address that because I've not tried it.

Barry Richard
April 26th, 2007, 03:47 PM
I've tried it some using the VX2000

The vx2000 is literally night and day better in low low light than the XHA1

under decent light they can be intercut in an SD project when the angles are sufficiently dissimilar

I would consider using the vx2100 for really low light situations where you can't easily / unobstrusively add light

(also, I'd use the vx2100's 16/9 if I was intercutting w/the XHA1, rather than make the XHA1 4/3)

Jeff Harper
April 27th, 2007, 07:25 AM
thanks guys. It will obviously be better to wait on the purchase of the Canon, and to buy two at once...right now for my second cam I going with another used 2100.