View Full Version : HV20 basic questions : distance to talent...

Denis Cadamuro
April 26th, 2007, 03:38 AM
Hi all,
I am interested in that Cam, so far it is a bit complex to understand basic things on how we could use it on a specific setup,
1rst because I'm a newbie
2nd because the HV20 is still hard to see and find here...

The context :
- we would need to shoot someone standing up in front of the Camcorder,
- we need to film that person "from head to toe",
- it will be indoor, of course the Cam would be on a tripod...

My questions are related to the standard capabilities of the HV 20 and on the "size" of the room :
- at what distance from the Cam will we have to position the guy to film ? in order to have him full-size inside the Cam's "field of view"...
- maybe there is the solution to tilt the Cam at 90 degrees (I do not even know if the heads we can find in the shops are allowing to mount it in that way ?)
- behind the talent, we have a wall and the guy would be at 1.5 or 2 meters from this wall...
so the Cam being at x meters from the talent, at 1.70m high on a tripod
the talent at 2 meters from the wall
what wall area will we have (Wide, H) on the film ?

Maybe all that sounds bizarre and I don't know if what I say is clear (I'm not fluent in English)... but I'd like to have your feelings ?

Guy Bruner
April 26th, 2007, 06:01 AM
The HV20 doesn't have a very wide field of view at 1X zoom. So, you would have to be back pretty far with the stock lens. However, adding a wide angle lens would cut the distance down. You would have to select the lens carefully because, the wider you go, the more you get barrel distortion. So, a .5X would likely cause too much bowing.

Denis Cadamuro
April 26th, 2007, 06:41 AM
Thank you very much for your fast answer.
Hummm, you confirm what I was suspecting...
however, "back pretty far" means how much, 5 meters ? more ??
About the wide angle lenses, yes I have seen some posts about this here in the Forum but the distorsions I saw are "crazy" !!

Mike Teutsch
April 26th, 2007, 07:57 AM
With the basic lens you will have to be about 15ft (just under 5 meters) from the subject. With the .5 wide angle adapter it is down to about 9ft (just under 3 meters). There is some curvature with the W/A adapter but it may not be noticeable depending on the background, ie---no straight lines.

Add the distance from the subject to the background to the distances above.


Denis Cadamuro
April 26th, 2007, 08:26 AM
so 5 meters from the Cam to the subject + 2 meters = 7
I guess it could be manageable even without a W/A but sure it is an accessory we need to have !
in any case many Thks to both of you !!
having answers from GA and FL at this hrs !! impressive ! considering the time diff.