Liam Carlin
April 24th, 2007, 06:17 PM
Hi people just a really quick question regarding this effect. can i change the effects properties once i have applied it?
i cant seem to find out if you can or cant.
Thanks in Advance
Liam :-)
Richard Wakefield
April 25th, 2007, 01:58 AM
what do u mean by effects properties? black and white turns it to black and white, and that's it :)
you can further develop the contrast, levels, or colourise, but they are extra effects.
Liam Carlin
April 25th, 2007, 06:43 AM
what do u mean by effects properties? black and white turns it to black and white, and that's it :)
you can further develop the contrast, levels, or colourise, but they are extra effects.
i think that may be the answer Richard. i think what i meant by properties is being able to increase how dark it becomes and or how light it becomes. what other effects would i use for this?
Liam :)
Graham Hickling
April 25th, 2007, 07:11 AM
If you want to control how much of the image becomes black, apply 'levels' BEFORE the 'black and white' effect.
If you want to control how light/dark the "black" and "white" become, apply levels AFTER the b&weffect and tweak the output range.
Curt Wrigley
April 25th, 2007, 08:54 AM
I suggest not using the B/W filter at all. It is just on or off with no control.
Instead use the Color Balance (HLS) effect (in the Image control folder). It gives you much better control all in one filter. You can lower saturation to -100 for pure B/W or somewhere in between for a more subtle effect. There is a lightness slider and hue slider for tweaks to the effect.
Curt Wrigley
Liam Carlin
April 27th, 2007, 11:35 AM
Thanks guys! going to use the colorbalance now and see what its like. to be honest i have never really ever used effects in PP2 so im new to using them.
Anyway thanks again!