View Full Version : Lens choice for PDW-F350

Kalunga Lima
April 24th, 2007, 01:57 PM
We are about to purchase a PDW-F350 mostly for documentary, ENG and industrial applications. I'm considering the 1/2" Fujinon XS13 x 3.3 BRM/ BRD as it seems to be mid-priced amongst the choices. Is there any advantage to more expensive glass, or Canon over Fujinon?

Kevin Spivey
April 24th, 2007, 09:26 PM
I have the Fuji 13x3.3 on my 350 and have been very happy with it. One caution though - it is very hard to find a matte box that will work with it. The front element is larger than most lenses.

I also use a Fuji 18x with the 2/3" adapter when I need a longer lens.

It has also been my experience that the 13x3.3 is a bit light hungry. But for the incredible wide shots that you get with it, I don't mind putting up with a few issues.

Tip McPartland
April 24th, 2007, 11:22 PM
I have that same lens and my Petroff matte box fit it well. You need the 5x5 box, and then you need to relieve the filter frames and a couple of other parts if you want no vignetting at the full wide end of the lens. I made it work, but it's a little too complicated to write about.

If you get a Petroff, which you can get from, I can tell you the fixes you need to make to it so that it works perfectly. there is also a fix you need to make to their follow focus, but then it too works very well.

I really like the lens itself by the way. I think that anything strange it does, any other lens that wide will do too, such as objects looking "wider" as they get to the edge of the frame with the lens at full wide.

Tip McPartland