View Full Version : Is it just me or is all M2, Brevis, Letus, SgPro, etc., footage of plants and chairs?
Anthony Vincent April 20th, 2007, 10:03 PM I love the footage but I just find it funny. It's like everyone gets them in the mail and the protocol is to shoot some plants and maybe something in the house like a chair.
It's like people are saying, NOW I can finally get that well deserved chair shot I've been wanting. NOW I can get that plant in a oscar winning frame before it dies.
It's just funny to me. Spend all that money on the setup and you aim it at the chair! HA
Santos Ramos April 20th, 2007, 10:26 PM This is funny but I think you may be right!
Chris Barcellos April 20th, 2007, 10:27 PM Man, you have been here all of 13 you seem to have nothing decent to say. Attitude won't go far in this forum...
Look for Steven Dempsey's stuff:
There is one in post one of this thread:
Bob Hart April 20th, 2007, 11:17 PM Yes I know - I know.
All of my quick test footage is the backyard, thorny rose bushes or cats. However, I'm too mean and broke to spend good petrol money to go and gather bad footage in a simple test.
Once I have something worth looking at you'll see it first here. Oh, I forgot. There's my music clips on Youtube and shadow footage on Brightcove but I posted the links a good while back.
Charles Hurley April 20th, 2007, 11:42 PM To answer your question, yes, it's just you.
Ben Winter April 22nd, 2007, 08:56 AM I shoot chairs and plants all the time. This is because household items are the most convenient and simple ways to test aspects of an adapter, and right out of the box my first instinct is to choose simply framed items to showcase grain, vignetting, bokeh, etc. things that wouldn't be readily available on-location on shoots I do with my Brevis. People want tests (for instance my test of a Brevis + 5 power low contrast filter and ND) and it would be ridiculous for me to wait until I was actually making something with it to test that out. So I go outside and shoot a tree.
The reason you only see tests of chairs and not real footage is that this forum is dedicated to building these adapters, not showcasing the work done with them. That's the other forum "Show Your Work" where you can find a lot of footage shot with adapters, unless not explicitly stated so.
Here is an unfinished rough cut of a music video I shot with the Brevis a while ago:
Also, there are some who combine test shots with meaningful filmmaking, I seem to recall a Brevis test a while ago that captured the faces of the homeless that are so often ignored. Very touching.
Dennis Wood April 23rd, 2007, 02:41 PM Yep, Phil Bloom's Homeless Portraits. (
This one's ( (with people) in 24p from the HV20.
Bob Hart April 23rd, 2007, 08:45 PM Here's a clip I did with Agus35, Letus35 and direct-to-camera with two different camera types and mix of HDV and MiniDV.
Its not the sharpest imaging on the block. It is the b-movie heroes studio session so ayone who previously visited the clip may not want to go there again.
Glenn Thomas April 25th, 2007, 06:59 PM I guess it depends on the type of chair or the plant, right? It can be interesting seeing peoples furniture or what their garden looks like.
What amuses me is when there are close up shots of plants that you could just as easily shoot without a 35mm and still get that shallow dof by zooming in on the subject from a distance.
Ben Winter April 25th, 2007, 07:01 PM That flattens the image. One of the reasons for using an adapter is to avoid that.
Glenn Thomas April 25th, 2007, 07:04 PM Yes, but can still look nice.
Ian G. Thompson April 26th, 2007, 08:53 AM Glenn your right it can still look nice. But I think you run into more of a problem with the shakes when you do this. I have not used a DOF adapter before but I assume you would have more control over the picture (in regards to shakes..with or without a tripod) with one than without one. The farther out you zoom the more visible your shakes. IMO.
Liam Hall April 28th, 2007, 06:09 AM Anyone got any more plant shots? I think they're really cool.
Kurt August April 28th, 2007, 07:31 AM "Are there any more plants?"
There shure are:
And it's been mentioned before: there is being filmed a lot with these. It's not all shown here.
Bob Hart April 28th, 2007, 07:49 AM Rose bushes - vicious thorny things second only to cats in their injurious potential. These ones were planted by my father over 30 years ago and budded onto already old transplanted trifoliata stock.
He had a little mishap about ten years ago with a sprayer and a partially used tank of roundup when spraying for aphids so the bushes are not what they once were.
Be moved into great transports of joy by this vegetative visage.
Liam Hall April 28th, 2007, 09:45 AM What can I say? Good job Kurt. Good job Bob. Now if only there was some furniture in there, I feel some inspiration comming on.
Anthony Vincent April 28th, 2007, 02:08 PM What can I say? Good job Kurt. Good job Bob. Now if only there was some furniture in there, I feel some inspiration comming on.
ha, nice one
Christian Calson May 3rd, 2007, 01:01 PM Or is this the funniest thing I've read in years. You guys are killing me.
Charles Papert May 4th, 2007, 05:07 AM Well, I guess you can include me in the guilty party too because those tests (/ I did with the HD100 and the Mini35 a couple of years ago included lots of plants--mostly in the background, but one specific one that was all about the little green bastards.
Phil Bloom May 15th, 2007, 02:00 PM I am currently working on a documentary about the evolution of the chair, shooting all on the Brevis 35.
My next project is a documentary about our obsession with house plants...
See, all those tests pay off!!
Bob Hart May 15th, 2007, 08:28 PM Phil.
Don't forget to cover the early broomstick chair, very portable, light, reasonably robust, a good dogstick in a fight but fundimentally flawed if you sit on it in haste. (no accurate historical reference whatever).
More seriously, I am told that at some drycountry archeological sites where rock carvings abound, you can find worn surfaces on stones from climbing handholds and footmarks and sitdown marks on convenient slabs.
Jaadgy Akanni May 15th, 2007, 08:36 PM My all-time favorite shot is the Wide shot of creepy looking dolls in a small room and there's a blurred out small action figure in the distance on which the shooter practices his focus pulling skills....hahaha
Phil Bloom May 16th, 2007, 01:39 PM not really doing docos on those topics, but if anyone wants to commission it..