View Full Version : missing footage

Paul Nixon
April 20th, 2007, 11:53 AM
I asked this before but didn't get far.

I shot some footage on my HC1. When I attempted to play it back, about 12 seconds of footage was "missing". The tape counter incremented indicating a recording, but the LCD remained blue.

However, if I hit cue or review, I see the footage in question. I thought it might be dirty heads, so I used a tape cleaner. This resulted in the amount of missing footage increasing from about 12 seconds to over 20 seconds. Cue/review still show the footage is there.

Footage is not transferred over firewire - tape counter on screen advances but no frames are captured.

Any ideas?

Chris Harris
April 20th, 2007, 07:16 PM
I think I've had this problem on the HC1 too. I've wrote it off as sort of a terrible, terrible dropout, and so I never reuse tapes anymore when I'm filming something important.

Paul Nixon
April 20th, 2007, 07:48 PM
Yes, it's like a big drop out. What puzzles me is the cue/review and being able to see the video. Even if it is in lower resolution or not 100% HDV, the fact that the video is formed and stable while in cue/review should suggest some sort of viability of the original.