View Full Version : Was a ProHD Training DVD announced at NAB?

Drew Curran
April 20th, 2007, 02:58 AM
Did the training DVD get announced at NAB??


Tim Dashwood
April 20th, 2007, 07:21 AM
Announced: YES. Released: Not yet, but soon.

We officially announced the "Pro HD Digital Cinematography DVD" at the FCPUG Supermeet and I demonstrated a 10 minute tutorial (included on the disc) on how to prepare and shoot a slow-motion lip-synced music video.

Most of the DVD is in the can, but I have to update some segments and add some new information obtained at NAB.

Chris will post the official press release shortly, and I will have a link to a teaser trailer then as well.

More information on future releases will follow. Please bear with us until we have returned from Vegas.