View Full Version : Increasing Font Resolution

Fred Goltz
April 19th, 2007, 10:50 PM
Was wondering how one goes about increasing font resolution in Vegas? Thanks in advance.


Richard Zlamany
April 19th, 2007, 11:29 PM
Just multiply the resolution of your project by 2 and type that # in at the top of the font editor screen.

If your project settings are 720 X 480, then type in 1440 X 960.

Christian de Godzinsky
April 20th, 2007, 04:56 AM

This thing should be in the manuals as a standard issue about how to control the overall sharpness of generated text. Additionally, Sony should include a default setting for this. AND - there should be a way to change ALL selected text clips at ONCE. I should send these requests to Sony to be added to the feature wish list. We cannot be the only ones that would be happy about such changes...


Fred Goltz
April 20th, 2007, 07:54 AM
Thank you kindly, gentlemen! As always, the communal help here is MUCH appreciated.
