View Full Version : Exporting unmixed AIFF in FCP

Allen Riley
April 19th, 2007, 09:59 AM
I made a rough premix of my soundtrack in Final Cut Pro, but now I want to export each track as an unmixed AIFF file and import them into ProTools so the guy I'm working with can do the final mix correctly (i.e. without clipping). He doesn't have DigiTranslator, so OMF is out. Is there a way of exporting AIFFs in FCP without including my fades and everything or do I need to go through the whole project and set everything back to 0dB? Thanks!

Ty Ford
April 20th, 2007, 06:53 PM
Yes, export the audio.

Ty Ford

Frank Maggi
April 22nd, 2007, 07:15 AM
If you decide to wipe out fades prior to exporting, it can be done very quickly. I would duplicate the sequence (control-click on the sequence in the browser and choose duplicate) so you still have the original edit if needed. Then select all of the audio tracks that have fades (drag a selection rectangle while holding the Option key will select only audio without the linked video or Option-Command-click non-contiguous clips) and then Control-click on any selected item and choose Remove Attributes. In the resulting window, make sure levels is all that is selected, press OK and you're done.