Evan C. King
April 19th, 2007, 08:39 AM
I almost had a Canon XH-A1 but now it looks like I can't get it anymore, I might have deal on an FX1 instead so I'm heavily considering that. The deal breaker for me between the two was obviously the 24p but with the fx1 I can convert with Natress. So my question is shooting in 60i and converting to 24p, just now much resolution loss will there be? How apparent is it on a larger screen? I would be using it for my first feature and I just want a difinitive percentage answer and hopefully testomony from someone who has done the same.
Kieran James
April 23rd, 2007, 05:19 PM
I don't know the answer to that that - but I do know that the Canon A1 loses 10 - 15% of it's vertical resolution in progressive mode compared to shooting interlaced. So that's worth bearing in mind when you do find out the answer...
Ben Winter
April 23rd, 2007, 05:55 PM
http://www.dvfilm.com/fx1/index.htm has good framegrabs demonstrating resolution loss (or lack thereof)
I find the loss is negligible with my conversion with DVFilm Maker. This is where my 60i converted to 24p footage has been blown up and projected to a 40' screen, still very sharp and watchable. I'm sure it's no less than 10%, but can't be much different.
I use a 35mm adapter on top of this and still get great, crisp footage, so it can't be that bad.