Gregg Sullivan
March 20th, 2007, 02:30 AM
If you get the chance to dive around Amazon (not advertising here, just posting a suggestion) look for the Bogen line of merchandise posted as a kit.
You can find a better price when you include the tripod/fluid head/spreader/level and kit bag all at once.
Also be sure to keep an eye on how much weight your tripod choice can support. There are a lot of tripods out there that look really sturdy, but are made for still shot cameras more than camcorders, and aren't made to put up with the jostling of panning shots, etc.
Tim OBrien
March 20th, 2007, 07:59 PM
When I bought my GL-2 last year from bhphotovideo, I bought a Velbon CX-690 ($60) as a "starter tripod".
It's tall and very sturdy (holds 15lbs). The quick disconnect is a great feature. Pans are smooth.
It's served me well and I'm happy with it.
Bob Thieda
March 21st, 2007, 05:22 AM
A bought the best $100 tripod I could find last year....and returned it two days later.
And this was just for a little Pana GS250 at the time.
I started watching e-bay....only took about two weeks before I won a Bogen w/fluid head for $125 shipped.
A photo studio was selling off old equipment and it was in great shape.
It was a little much for the Panasonic, but now that I have the GL2, its perfect.
I guess the point of the story is to be patient.
Bob T.
Corey Quenneville
April 19th, 2007, 01:43 AM
Hello, I am in market for a new tripod. I have gotten through the past year with some cheapie Wal-Mart/K-Mart brand tripods. Most of which are directed towards lighter digital cameras. I have noticed on a few attempts to film time lapses and still shots on certain days, that the slightest bit of wind will tend to shake the camera even with the tripod fully level and extended. Also, these cheap tripods don't have a fluid pan head.. so smooth pan shots are near impossible. Basically I would like to find something for my GL2 thats relatively inexpensive, but will also provide a fluid pan head for smoother shots. I would prefer something a little "beefier" so to speak that has a bit of weight, so the camera will stay secure. I have checked local camera/video retailers around my area.. but most are directed towards smaller digital cameras. Any advice/input would be great. I am looking to stay in the $50-$200 price range if possible. Thank you for your time.
Don Palomaki
April 19th, 2007, 06:45 AM
Good tripods and heads are not cheap.
I've been satisfied with a Bogen 3433 (aka 501) head and you might check the Bogen 301, 3011, or 3021 legs. They are a bit above your budget range, but that is the nature of good camcorder support.
Mark Holland
April 20th, 2007, 07:18 AM
I'm using Bogen/Manfrotto systems with my GL cams every week with great success. Both have the older 3063 heads, one set of legs is the heavier 3046, the other is the 3021. I hear good reviews on the Bogen 501/503 heads. The Bogen stuff might be worth you looking into. I'd say to price it new, then look to buy it used.
Shayne Weyker
April 23rd, 2007, 01:47 PM
I got this tripod 3011 black + 700RC2 head kit at B&H a while back and, while I had a couple issues with loose screws in the head plate and in one of the leg's lower locks, after adjustment it's okay and pans and tilts very very smoothly.
Get the carrying strap too, it's worth it.
[Edit] P.S. you can stabilize light tripods by weighting them down.