View Full Version : Simple Benchmark Premiere v6.5 vs Vegas 4.0B

Lars Siden
May 1st, 2003, 01:21 PM

After reading the posts about the lack of speed in Vegas - I was curious to do a simple test myself.

I made a 1 min 5 sec long composition in both vegas and premiere. Both projects showing exactly the same, namely

1. Main video stream
2. A Photoshop PSD with alpha channel ( duration 1 min )
3. Additive dissolve to video clip nr 2

Rendering time:

Premiere 1.30
Vegas 1.42


In my opinion Vegas does a better job with the alpha matte on the PSD. Vegas is also much faster to work with than premiere - What I miss in Vegas is full control - ie. properties->Duration isn't there and many times when Premiere lets you enter an exact number, you have to use the mouse in Vegas.

Final word:

Today Vegas is the winnner of user-friendliness and Premiere the speed winner. With Premiere 7 around the corner, sonic foundry better sharpen their knifes because I think Premiere will be a killer app!

Best regards,

Lazze Z


Edward Troxel
May 1st, 2003, 02:36 PM
Explain the "Properties - Duration" and how it is used (I don't use Premiere). It *may* be there in some fashion. I can think of at least one method (besides scripting) that could, possibly, provide that functionality if it means what it sounds like it means.

The possibility:

1. Add the clip/picture to the timeline.
2. Double-click the clip (to select it)

At this point, the timecodes immediatly below the timeline will show Selection Start, Selection End, Selection Length.

3. Double-click the Selection Length
4. Type in the desired time
5. Resize the clip to the new selection boundry

Does this do the same thing????

Rob Lohman
May 2nd, 2003, 03:40 AM
Duration allows you to change the length of a clip whether it is
a movie (frame rate changes) or a still picture (number of frames
the still is being displayed changes)....

Edward Troxel
May 2nd, 2003, 07:48 AM
Does my described technique do the same thing?

(note: for video, you could do it with or without framerate changing)

Lars Siden
May 2nd, 2003, 07:53 AM
It is as Rob says - fast way to set the duration of a still or a clip.

Edward, thanks for the tip - didn't know that I could double click the media then enter values.... the boxes are coloured as READ-only boxes - but they are editable, once again - thanks for the hint!

For me, the rendering speed disadvantage of Vegas isn't so important, I try to keep my projects at maximum 20 minutes - so the difference in redering time won't be more than 2-3 minutes... minutes that I earlier saved using Vegas faster GUI. BUT, I wouldn't cry if Vegas 4.0c or 4.1 boosted rendering
performance ;-)

// Lazze

Rob Lohman
May 3rd, 2003, 03:17 AM
It seems to do the same thing indeed from your description,