View Full Version : What project settings should I use to capture footage into Vegas 7

Mark Light
April 15th, 2007, 04:58 PM
I shot in cineframe 30. What settings are best to capture HDV footage from this camera?

Also Does anyone notice that there seems to be a ton of detail/brightness lost during capture? ( what i mean to say is that in the viewfinder during the preview it looks much brighter and sharper than what it does after I capture) It's why I'm wondering if I'm capturing wrong.

Vito DeFilippo
April 15th, 2007, 08:15 PM

Cineframe on the Z1 is still 30i, so use whatever settings you would normally use to capture 30i HDV.

Any differences you are seeing in the image after capture would be because of the difference between the LCD of the camera, and the monitor you are watching as you edit. Assuming you are capturing via firewire, the image is identical. A digital transfer from camera to computer with no change.