George Huczek
April 15th, 2007, 11:20 AM
Please pardon my ignorance ...
I'm thinking about getting an HD110U, but I don't understand anything about the workflow. I'm a still photographer, and this would be my first video camera.
Can I get away without using a deck, like the BR-HD50? If I can save about 2K initially, it might make the cost more palitable.
How practical is it to rewind tapes in the camera and feed the footage into a Mac Pro into FCP through a firewire cable. Would the extra wear on the tape heads be a major consideration? What other workflow issues arise when doing this?
George Huczek
April 15th, 2007, 12:23 PM
After reading this thread, it seems as if I need some advice on how to proceed. Apparently, going through firewire into FCP doesn't seem to work very well.
What are my options then? Do I need a special video card and a RAID array on the computer? Firestore? Or would a deck still be an option for a newb?
Christian Stormbom
April 15th, 2007, 01:04 PM
As far as I know you can use FCP without any major problem, I am a Windows user and I edit in Canopus Edius without any problem whatsoever.
No you dont need any "special" card (only normal firewire) and you dont need
a Raid arry. Deck is always a good idea but expensive - so I use my camera
for HD and a cheap DV deck whenever I use SD (but I dont use that much
anymore). Your 110U works well as a deck (rewind, fast-forward, play, pause etc.) but of course there is always wear on all parts of your camera and if
you dont use it for editing it will last longer for "filming". On the other
hand a HD deck does not come ceaply either, so for a starter I think useing
your 110U is not a bad idea. Do read one of the "sticky" threads, the third
one from start called "ALERT: Power OFF when connecting Firewire or switching HDV/DV" this is important information. If you have edited DV on
FCP or any other NLE you wont find much of a difference in workflow when "inputting" and "editing". "Outputting" is usually slightly different
as you render out a new M2T file from your timeline and then export back
to tape.(in normal DV you would export your timeline direct to tape)
Bill Ravens
April 16th, 2007, 07:17 AM
I routinely use a firestore FS4HD hard drive storage system on my HD110, without simultaneous recording to tape. This saves me from putting any wear and tear on my tape transport mechanicals. Some people have issues with the reliability of these DTE drives, but, they've never given me any trouble.
Liam Hall
April 16th, 2007, 10:01 AM
I've been hooking up an HD100 to Final Cut Pro for more than 18 months. I've also rented the tape deck and used that via firewire. Both with no problems.
So, in answer to question; yes, you can get away with using this camera without buying a deck and then, spend the money you save in a good sushi bar.
George Huczek
April 16th, 2007, 05:10 PM
So, in answer to question; yes, you can get away with using this camera without buying a deck and then, spend the money you save in a good sushi bar.
Thanks everyone for the information. Just what I needed.
(I'd have to down a half bottle of Gravol before going to a sushi bar, though.)