Randy Durham
April 14th, 2007, 08:03 PM
Hi all. I am trying to find the specs on the standard 16x lens that came with my GY-HD250 camera. I'm looking for a good wide angle attachment solution for the lens and want to make sure I get the right setup. I've found nice looking Wide Angle attachments and converters by Cavision and Schneider (Century Optics). Any input is most appreciated.
Gary Morris McBeath
April 14th, 2007, 10:02 PM
Hi Randy,
The stock 16x lens has 82mm filter threads. The factory converter, WCV-82SC by Fujinon is excellent. I gives you a 4.5mm equivalent wide angle lens. There are others I know, and some are a little less, but this one works perfectly, and it is zoom through, that is, it will work through the full range of zoom of the lens. Many others are not zoom through.
The only thing you must remember when using any converter, is to check and reset the back focus when you intsall it, and again when you take it off. Many shooters just leave it on, expecially if most of the work is close-up or indoors.
Hope this helps.
Gary Morris McBeath
April 14th, 2007, 10:08 PM
I should also add, that of course this has 82mm threads, but the 82 in the model number refers to the percentage of additional wide angle: stock lens is 5.5mm wide, times 82 percent = 4.51mm. But you probably knew that.
Good luck.
Jack Walker
April 14th, 2007, 11:42 PM
Here is a thread that has more information, and inside this thread is a link to another thread, etc.:
Randy Durham
April 15th, 2007, 05:06 AM
Thank you very much for the replies guys. I would jump on the JVC zoom thru if it only added more range. The adaptors add between 30-50% but the JVC Converter only adds 18%. I also found the Red-Eye adaptor which is sold thru Video Gadgets. It looks very interesting as well. I like the convenience of the zoom thru but for my application I could probably get by with an adaptor. We'll be shooting a good bit on a boat and I need a pretty wide angle to capture the action. Thanks again for your help and any other comments and experience with other adaptors/converters for the JVC are most appreciated.
Liam Hall
April 15th, 2007, 05:47 AM
Hi Randy,
Be aware that these adapters add an awful lot of chromatic aberration, vignetting and edge distortion. If you need anything critical I'd avoid using them.
The only way to get good wide shots with this camera is to use the 13x lens.
Just my opinion.
Randy Durham
April 15th, 2007, 05:54 AM
Thanks Liam. Does anyone have a link to information on the 13x? I appreciate the help.
Jack Walker
April 15th, 2007, 07:51 AM
I believe the Century adapters give you an excellent image. They have been used for a number of years on all kinds of cameras. The century .7x-.5x combo is fairly heavy.
Randy Durham
April 15th, 2007, 08:15 AM
I found the link to the Fujinon lenses available for the GY-HD100, 200 and 250, in case anyone else needs them:
Th13x3.5BRMU Wide Angle lens: http://www.fujinonbroadcast.com/cgi-bin/products.cgi?p=353
Th17x5BRM Standard lens: http://www.fujinonbroadcast.com/cgi-bin/products.cgi?p=361
HTs18X4.2BRM High Quality lens: http://www.fujinonbroadcast.com/cgi-bin/products.cgi?p=354