View Full Version : HV20 Upside Down with Letus35a Avoids Edit Flip

Chris Barcellos
April 13th, 2007, 08:06 PM
One of the reasons I got the HV20, is I thought it my be easy to construct a mount to turn it over, to shoot with an adapter. In doing so, you avoid the need to flip in edit.

I contructed a prototype from a $10 strip of aluminum, and $5 worth of other material, and came up with my first attempt which seems to worki out pretty good. See the photo below.

Expect to mount a monitor on top, and my Beachtek adapter on back.

Evan C. King
April 13th, 2007, 11:38 PM
What if you need to adjust camera settings?

Chris Barcellos
April 14th, 2007, 12:15 AM
Very easy access the way it is set up. Toggle is accessible, as well as menu button. Everything is on screen.

Chris Barcellos
April 14th, 2007, 12:27 AM
Here is a test shot with the newmount. Sure seems like quality is better when you don't have to flip first.

I am seeing a problem with "vibrating" reds with this camera and letus. See the toy car behind the girl.

Mike Dulay
April 14th, 2007, 05:54 AM
Chris, did you have to cut and bend that aluminum yourself or is there a shop that can do it for you?

Peter J Alessandria
April 14th, 2007, 08:32 AM
Here is a test shot with the newmount. Sure seems like quality is better when you don't have to flip first.

I am seeing a problem with "vibrating" reds with this camera and letus. See the toy car behind the girl.

Chris - perhaps I'm not clear: are you attributing the problem to flipping the camera? Does it not do this when the camera isn't flipped?

Being new to whole 35mm adapter thing, are there any out there that don't flip the image?

Rafael Lopes
April 14th, 2007, 09:10 AM
Hahaha. I love these pictures of the HV20 with 35mm adapters. Most of the time the adapters are actually bigger than the HV20. I'm downloading the footage right now (if it's anything like other HV20+35mm adapter footage I've it's a winner for sure...this camera is amazing with adapters!)

Chris Barcellos
April 14th, 2007, 11:04 AM
Chris, did you have to cut and bend that aluminum yourself or is there a shop that can do it for you?

Just brute force and ingnorance.

Got the aluminun strip at Home Depot. Its 2 inches by 3ft, I think. About 1/8 or less thick.

I just hand bent it, and cut as needed. the part on top was done in bench vice. the other bends were done by force against an edge. For instance on top of a table, with a portion hanging over. (I actually had a a divice I built for a "steady cam" that I slip this into to get a bending angle, but that was just a convenient tool....)

Note: I extended the bottom piece by bolting together two pieces after the fact. I had originally had another idea, and cut it too short. So my next version won't be two pieces on the bottom.

Chris Barcellos
April 14th, 2007, 11:06 AM
Chris - perhaps I'm not clear: are you attributing the problem to flipping the camera? Does it not do this when the camera isn't flipped?

Being new to whole 35mm adapter thing, are there any out there that don't flip the image?

No, I just mentioned the red issue to explain it, it happens either way. I have started a thread on it to see if any one else has seen it.

Brad Vaughan
April 14th, 2007, 11:11 AM
Now that is very cool and the footage is 1st rate!

Now, I'm completely interested in this Letus35a.

So it appears in the picture you have an additional lens (Nikon?). What does the Letus do for you in terms of added features? Depth of Field?...can you zoom better with this as well compared to the built in 10x range?

I'm new to this video world, but I'm already very addicted and would love to get shots like this.

Chris Barcellos
April 14th, 2007, 11:30 AM
Hey Brad:

Go to the alternative imaging section of this forum and look at all the adapters. They are all based on using a video camera to capture an image from a ground glass that is itself produced by the 35mm lens, taking advange of the depth of field characeristic of the lens and 35mm format. All the adapters involve methods of improving image to make it usable. Generally, they involve a vibrating or spinning ground glass, to eliminate imperfections of the screen. Google Brevis, Letus35, SGPro, Redrock M2, Mini35 for starters.

Brad Vaughan
April 14th, 2007, 11:39 AM
Will do.

Thanks for the direction.

Dennis Vogel
April 14th, 2007, 02:40 PM
I sure don't see any vibrating reds. I don't see them in the T ball clip in this thread either:

Maybe I should be happy that my eyes don't see the stuff that some of you are seeing.

Good luck.


Chris Barcellos
April 14th, 2007, 04:08 PM
I sure don't see any vibrating reds. I don't see them in the T ball clip in this thread either:

Maybe I should be happy that my eyes don't see the stuff that some of you are seeing.

Good luck.


Hmmm. I wondered if it had something to do with my monitors, both LCD.
Are you using LCD. See this thread for others discussiong it. I also posted a red bucket short clip there.

Red Bucket:

Dave Blackhurst
April 14th, 2007, 04:39 PM
Hi Chris -
Saw the vibrating bucket loud and clear - 24" Dell LCD's - looked like the reds were oversaturated or something? Isn't red always a tough color to get "right"? I seem to recall something about not wearing bright reds in studio situations...


Dennis Vogel
April 14th, 2007, 08:54 PM
Hmmm. I wondered if it had something to do with my monitors, both LCD.
Are you using LCD. See this thread for others discussiong it. I also posted a red bucket short clip there.

Red Bucket:

Yeah, I have a Dell 21" LCD. I see the vibrating red in that short clip quite clearly. It also shows up on an old Gateway CRT I have attached to my PC as well. I'll have to go back and look at the other clips mentioned earlier.

Good luck.


Chris Barcellos
April 16th, 2007, 02:04 AM
Here is another letus clip. This one shot with 50mm Nikon F1.4 at about f4 or F5.6. I put a polarizer on the front end, a SunPak C-P.L. I put it up on Megauploads again.

Chris Barcellos
April 16th, 2007, 01:34 PM
My experience with the HV20 is that to avoid any vignetting using the Letus, you need to zoom in as much as possible without losing focus. The best way to do this is to set zoom speed in the menu to its slowest level, so you can inch it forward. To that point. The variable setting makes it difficult to to that.

Mike Dulay
April 17th, 2007, 07:38 PM

These Canons are too smart for me. While inverted, the LCD adjusts so the image still isn't "right-side up" though the captured image no longer needs rotation. Which flip method are you using to deal with this? I've tried mirrors but they're not viewable at all angles. And I'm leery of hacking the case to get at the sensor.

Chris Barcellos
April 17th, 2007, 08:00 PM
Yeah, it doesn't make sense, until you see the reasoning behind it. Dennis Wood at Cinevate a graphic that showed why that happens, and after you see it, it makes sense. Did you make yourself an mount ? Show us if you did...

I find myself as I use it, getting better at shooting upside down. The real answer, is separate flipable LCD screen. What I find myself doing is looking at the subject or place I want to pan to out of one eye, and recognize that I need to pan it that way to avoid confusion.

I actually have DVD player I bought at Walmart for 99 bucks that flips the image and has input. I use to velcro it to my DIY spinner adapter, but I haven't tested it with the Letus/HV20 combo. In best of worlds, we would have about a five inch battery operated HD monitor on board. Got cash ??

Mike Dulay
April 17th, 2007, 08:57 PM
I better take a peak at the cinevate forum then, hope that post is easy to find. 8-) No, I haven't made a mount yet, but I do use a monopod so I just flipped it. I'm learning to frame inverted but it's confusing when switching between normal and inverted on the same day.

A small format HD LCD with zoom would be nice wouldn't it? But I already spent my money on the camcorder. 8-)

Found the image:

And the links:

Mike Brown
April 18th, 2007, 11:39 AM
Found the image:

Wow, that's a mind-bender. I can only explain it to myself by saying that in the inverted camcorder position, both the CCD and the LCD screen have been given a 180-degree turn, which totals 360 degrees and leaves the adapter image inverted as before. If only the CCD or only the LCD screen could be flipped, the resulting image in the LCD screen would be right side up.

Does the "magnet trick" work on the HV 20?

Chris Barcellos
April 18th, 2007, 02:39 PM
Wow, that's a mind-bender. I can only explain it to myself by saying that in the inverted camcorder position, both the CCD and the LCD screen have been given a 180-degree turn, which totals 360 degrees and leaves the adapter image inverted as before. If only the CCD or only the LCD screen could be flipped, the resulting image in the LCD screen would be right side up.

Does the "magnet trick" work on the HV 20?

No magnet trick. In this camera, it is a micro switch that switches the LCD to flip. I saw a mod for it, but man, I didn't want to open the camera up at this point....

Dennis Wood
April 18th, 2007, 06:34 PM
The flip hack ( the HVX and GS400) on the HV20 is just vertical...not horizontal so it's like looking at a mirror.

EDIT: There is a second switch to allow inversion and reversion...nice!

Anthony Vincent
April 20th, 2007, 07:25 PM
Here is a test shot with the newmount. Sure seems like quality is better when you don't have to flip first.

I am seeing a problem with "vibrating" reds with this camera and letus. See the toy car behind the girl.

I hate to say it man but that was god awful. Lots of flashing horizontal lines as you moved the camera. Makes me nervous now to buy a Letus. Keep posting that vid around and you will run them out of business quick! LOL

Seriously I would e-mail the guy that makes it and tell him to watch the vid and tell you why it's doing that. That is really bad.

Enea Lanzarone
April 20th, 2007, 08:08 PM
I hate to say it man but that was god awful. Lots of flashing horizontal lines as you moved the camera. Makes me nervous now to buy a Letus. Keep posting that vid around and you will run them out of business quick! LOL

Seriously I would e-mail the guy that makes it and tell him to watch the vid and tell you why it's doing that. That is really bad.

Ouch, Anthony! ;)

Those "flashing horizontal lines" you see are interlacing artifacts. Chris recorded the footage in 24p and did NOT remove the pulldown. So unless you play the clip in a player capable of deinterlacing (I personally use PowerDVD) you will see those lines (not on TV though). They are neither caused by the camera itself nor the Letus. The clip is perfectly ok and the quality is just awesome! Sweet footage, Chris! The one with the girl talking about her old "naaaaaasty" shoes made me "Awwwwwwwwwwww!"! ;)

And if Chris keeps posting that vid around, chances are high he will boost selling of both the HV20 and the Letus35! ;)

Chris Barcellos
April 20th, 2007, 09:08 PM
I hate to say it man but that was god awful. Lots of flashing horizontal lines as you moved the camera. Makes me nervous now to buy a Letus. Keep posting that vid around and you will run them out of business quick! LOL

Seriously I would e-mail the guy that makes it and tell him to watch the vid and tell you why it's doing that. That is really bad.

Hey Anthony, as Enea said, it ain't the camera or the adapter. Its your player. I did not take time to remove pull down, on these shots, as they are intended for demo. I figured you wizards out there would mess with that, if you want to see how it works. It plays for me fine in even Windows Media player. What are you using..

Anthony Vincent
April 20th, 2007, 09:52 PM
Oh ok. LOL

I thought I was having a seizure for a minute!

Seriously is clean footage besides those lines. I played it back with VLC Media Player.

Quinn OConnell
May 10th, 2007, 06:13 PM
HI Chris,

Thanks for all the info, any chance of some new (less shakey pics) of the mount and set up.. no offence to your photography skills.

Chris Barcellos
May 11th, 2007, 01:25 AM

Try this link, where I posted maybe a better pic. Just not at home now to do a new one, actually on a telephone modem... yuck...

John Hotze
May 11th, 2007, 03:49 PM
Here is another letus clip. This one shot with 50mm Nikon F1.4 at about f4 or F5.6. I put a polarizer on the front end, a SunPak C-P.L. I put it up on Megauploads again.

Hey Chris. I have never used Megaload. I followed this link thinking I would go right to your video and instead I got to a page with a bunch of Megaload jibberish on it. I thought maybe I needed to register so I did that and I saw that I was logged in by I still didn't see your video come up.

I'm an idiot when it comes figuring out some of these freebie sites. Could you help me a little what shoud happen when I click on your link?

Michael Rosenberger
May 11th, 2007, 03:58 PM
Hey Chris. I have never used Megaload. I followed this link thinking I would go right to your video and instead I got to a page with a bunch of Megaload jibberish on it.

It is very confusing for sure. Took me asking the same question a while back.

Anyway, when you click the link you will see a random 3 letter code right next to the MegaUpload banner. Enter the code into the box next to the code and click the download button. It then tells you to wait 45 seconds or something then allows you to download the file.

Chris Barcellos
June 28th, 2007, 11:12 PM
Well here is an updated version of the my Letus35/HV20 flipped over.

Saw the Redrock Micro pictures, and but this together. This also has a fiber optic cable connected to the remote. See pics below