Marcin Pietkiewicz
April 13th, 2007, 03:23 PM
Hello everyone!
I have built adapter for 35mm lens (I have Zenit lens) for FX1 camera. It’s a simple box inside which I have put matted CD-disc. I used a small engine powered with batteries to make CD spin (and work as a grounded glass).
I have a problem when I am using two macro lens (+8 dioptre, 72mm diameter, they are put opposite way to each other). The picture on the edges is little blurred and chromatic aberrations appeared. In Redrock Micro M2 I saw that 72mm lens are being reduced (adapted) to 82mm (so bigger macro lens can be used). Do you think 82mm macro lens could help with solving my problem? Or is it mostly about buying apochromatic lens for 300$? :)
Thank you for any help. I hope my English is sufficient :)
P.S. Here’s link for tests of my equipment.
Bob Hart
April 13th, 2007, 08:53 PM
Chris Hurd, the webmaster here may move this question to "Alternative Imaging Methods". There is much talk about machines like your adaptor on those threads.
Your 8+ lens. Is this a single glass element?
They will make problems when you use more than one.- Chromatic abberation and edge softness-distortion.
An achromatic dioptre will work.
Only one builder so far used an apochromatic dioptre. His results are excellent. You can read about it in "Alternative Imaging Methods." This is down the main page below this section.
This is a clip of what I did for the FX1.
Marcin Pietkiewicz
April 14th, 2007, 02:53 PM
Thank you for answer. I am using two lens (+8 dioptre each).
And yeah, this question should be in "Alternative..." thread. My mistake.
Chris Barcellos
April 14th, 2007, 03:59 PM
Hello everyone!
I have built adapter for 35mm lens (I have Zenit lens) for FX1 camera. It’s a simple box inside which I have put matted CD-disc. I used a small engine powered with batteries to make CD spin (and work as a grounded glass).
I have a problem when I am using two macro lens (+8 dioptre, 72mm diameter, they are put opposite way to each other). The picture on the edges is little blurred and chromatic aberrations appeared. In Redrock Micro M2 I saw that 72mm lens are being reduced (adapted) to 82mm (so bigger macro lens can be used). Do you think 82mm macro lens could help with solving my problem? Or is it mostly about buying apochromatic lens for 300$? :)
Thank you for any help. I hope my English is sufficient :)
P.S. Here’s link for tests of my equipment.
Your video is typical of what I had seen before I went to an achromat. My experience is you need the dual element achromat. I bought the Cinevate achromat for my homemade adabter, and it improved over a 10 diopter closeup I had dramatically. Go to Cinevate's web page to see their achromat. It was about $250 USD as I recall.
Here is photo of my first DIY adapter, using plans bought from Redrock at there site, and their disk.
Marcin Pietkiewicz
April 15th, 2007, 02:04 AM
I see. So it's not about lens size (like I thought 82mm could help), it's about achromatic lens.
Thanks a lot for help!
Larry Wells
April 25th, 2007, 11:21 AM
A good condenser lens and a good 52mm 100FL achromat +10 will yeild excellent results, along with a good ground glass. Also, you will have to make sure that the FX1 is about 10cm away from the ground glass. The achromat lens will need to be as close to the camera lens as possible with the curved side facing the camera, and the condenser should be as close to the ground glass as possible with the flat side facing the ground glass. With this setup you should be able to have a 35mm adapter of production quality.