View Full Version : Difference in QT Export on G5 vs MacIntel

Paul Vlachos
April 10th, 2007, 06:06 PM
Has anyone seen this thread or heard of this problem?

I am exporting a feature within 5 weeks and will use my G5 if it's for real.

Any experience here with it?


Grant Harrington
April 11th, 2007, 06:21 AM
Has anyone seen this thread or heard of this problem?

I am exporting a feature within 5 weeks and will use my G5 if it's for real.

Any experience here with it?


I've been using an Intel Mac for 8 months now and haven't seen any issues when exporting to QT. My videos have always been clear. I create video in FCS for DVDSP, and create footage from FCS to iPod video using QT. No problems noticed. The article mentions (link in article you posted) they are compressing to CD quality, I haven't used that setting, but other settings in QT give great results, so maybe it's that setting that is somehow the issue.


Dick Campbell
April 11th, 2007, 08:09 AM
I've only had my Mac Pro fro a few months now, but I have not seen any problems. This MOV ( was made with FCP on my Mac.

Greg Boston
April 11th, 2007, 08:13 AM
I've only had my Mac Pro fro a few months now, but I have not seen any problems. This MOV ( was made with FCP on my Mac.

Very nice. Where in Texas were they? I have been trying to get out and do some HD Bluebonnets.


Paul Vlachos
April 11th, 2007, 08:28 AM
Yes. I, too, have exported a bunch of Quicktimes and m2v files since last September on my MacPro, but I thought maybe my powers of discernment had left me, so I wanted to hear what others had to say. I hadn't noticed any problems, either, but I also haven't compared. Maybe I will do a comparison if I ever get the time.

Dick Campbell
April 11th, 2007, 02:44 PM
Where in Texas were they?Well, I 'm in Waco, and they are every where - and like a dummy I didn't get any footage when they were covered with snow last Saturday. This was shot in 720p24pn.