View Full Version : DVX100B vs. XHA1

Steven Dempsey
April 9th, 2007, 11:50 AM
This is interesting. I happened to have my DVX100B set up to shoot and also my XHA1 with the new VIVIDRGB preset loaded up.

The DVX was set to the default F6 settings. I shot the same scene just to see what both looked like.

DVX is first and XHA1 second:

Tom Roper
April 9th, 2007, 12:21 PM seems as vivid or more, but the white balance tends toward the red direction. I'm not really seeing that anymore in the VIVID RGB preset, so I'm wondering about the white balance method you used. The shadows are less defined in the A1 picture as well, so could white balance have been changing between shots? It's hard to tell with reduced size images. They accentuate color casts and conceal detail.

Eric Weiss
April 9th, 2007, 12:36 PM
Canon is always "warmer" than other brands.
That's actually why I use them.

The new VIVIDRGB is awesome. Colors really pop without being too noisy. Thanks Steven.

Gerrit Geelmuyden
April 9th, 2007, 12:40 PM
Yes, I agree with Tom... it does seem a little on the red side.

However, There is so much difference in the shadows, most visible in the greenery to the right side of the picture, that I think there must be a difference in the exposure settings as well. This also seems evident if you look at the cars. There is much more saturation in the DVX picture.


Brian Brown
April 9th, 2007, 01:10 PM
I'm agreeing with exposure issue. But I'm also leaning towards a lot more contrast in the DVX image leading one to think that on a cursory examination. I'd love to know the respective f-stop settings on both cams, ND filter, etc.

With both images side by side, the DVX shows a lot more blown-out highlights in this capture... the white car and truck on the left, and the bronze-colored car in the foreground right. But the blacks are also tending to crush at the shrubbery and car shadows.

It's hard to know how much the clouds moved between exposures, but the DVX shows much more contrast in the sky, as well.

In fact, histograms in Photoshop prove a LOT more contrast in the DVX image... and nothing pure black in the A1 image, which would say that there's even more potential latitude for the A1 to give to this scene, while the DVX has found its match (stopping down would give NO detail to the shrubs... opening up would blow out the sky and even more of the vehicle highlights).

It's funny, but to an untrained eye, they might say that the DVX image has more "pop" due to this contrast. However, you can always create more contrast in post... but never gain back lost latitude.

I won't speak much to color, but the green grass near the fire hydrant on the A1 is about as vivid as once could hope. And the hues throughout the purples, maroons, and red taillights are much more "vivid" on the A1.

Obviously, the A1 renders much more detail throughout the scene, as to be expected. But take a look at the sign in the near middle of the image: the A1 shows that something is written on the sign, and the top is an orange-ish color. The DVX image hints at much, much less. Same with the tire tracks and oil/ water stains in the parking lot.

Thanks for these!
Brian Brown

Steven Dempsey
April 9th, 2007, 01:32 PM
Here are two more examples. It's really not scientific and I will, at some stage ensure exposure settings are the same, etc.

Oh, hold on....for the XHA1, I had the 1/32 ND engaged at F3.7

for the DVX, I had the ND 1/64 engaged at F4.8

Here's the DVX settings:

Don't think they are the default settings but here they are:

Everything is zero in the DVX settings except for the following:

Chroma Level: 4
Master Ped: -5
Gamma: Cinelike
Knee: Auto
Matrix: Normal
V Detail Frequency: Thin

Both white-balanced and shot at the exact same time

In the meantime (XHA1 first):

Michael Richard
April 9th, 2007, 02:06 PM
I'd like to download it. The CPF.

Steven Dempsey
April 9th, 2007, 02:10 PM
Post #78:

Ken Hodson
April 9th, 2007, 02:33 PM
Is the DVX image just being stretched to 16:9 from 4:3?

Steven Dempsey
April 9th, 2007, 02:35 PM
Yes, and I didn't care about that because I'm not analyzing the resolution, just the colors.

Steven Dempsey
April 9th, 2007, 03:28 PM
Everything relevant from this entire thread has been consolidated in a post in the PRESET LIBRARY thread: