Nori Wentworth
April 29th, 2003, 11:50 AM
Question for XL1 users in B.C.
Any one know of a good repair place in Vancouver or B.C. for that matter, that can fix my XL1 for less money than the Alberta Canon repair depot.
A little back history for you here:
Now the new problem(s):
I use the 14X manual lens, and since I had my camera returned to me, I have been having extreme focusing problems. At first I thought it was the back focus, but I have tried everything. I have contacted the service department in Alberta and they offered no suggestions as to what the problem might be. Could it be the mirrors are out of alignment? They don't know. Send it in, they say. Fine, I'll send it in.
Grid lines/screen door mesh? I ask, could it be that my camera has the same problem as the original XL1s?
I quote this thread:
No idea, never heard of that problem before, send it in.
How about this problem:
On Sunday, I'm shooting the last day of LadyX episode 3.
Extremely fast shutter (1/8000), UV filter, Frame mode, all manual everything. half of the footage has a green mist covering about 1/3 of the screen. At first I thought it was a flare issue, not the case. The Sun was all over the place. Any idea? Send it in.
Normally I wouldn't have a problem "sending anything in", however as you read from my above original post, the last time I sent it to the Alberta repair depot, I got my camera back, still with the same problem, but now I was $1500 deeper in debt. To make things worse, the camera casing wasn't even put back together properly. I had to take it appart and then re-assemble it myself.
So, their lack of any possible solution, and their outrageous fees, makes me hesitant to send my XL1 back to the Alberta repair depot.
Help me Obi-wan, you are my last hope - Nori
Any one know of a good repair place in Vancouver or B.C. for that matter, that can fix my XL1 for less money than the Alberta Canon repair depot.
A little back history for you here:
Now the new problem(s):
I use the 14X manual lens, and since I had my camera returned to me, I have been having extreme focusing problems. At first I thought it was the back focus, but I have tried everything. I have contacted the service department in Alberta and they offered no suggestions as to what the problem might be. Could it be the mirrors are out of alignment? They don't know. Send it in, they say. Fine, I'll send it in.
Grid lines/screen door mesh? I ask, could it be that my camera has the same problem as the original XL1s?
I quote this thread:
No idea, never heard of that problem before, send it in.
How about this problem:
On Sunday, I'm shooting the last day of LadyX episode 3.
Extremely fast shutter (1/8000), UV filter, Frame mode, all manual everything. half of the footage has a green mist covering about 1/3 of the screen. At first I thought it was a flare issue, not the case. The Sun was all over the place. Any idea? Send it in.
Normally I wouldn't have a problem "sending anything in", however as you read from my above original post, the last time I sent it to the Alberta repair depot, I got my camera back, still with the same problem, but now I was $1500 deeper in debt. To make things worse, the camera casing wasn't even put back together properly. I had to take it appart and then re-assemble it myself.
So, their lack of any possible solution, and their outrageous fees, makes me hesitant to send my XL1 back to the Alberta repair depot.
Help me Obi-wan, you are my last hope - Nori