View Full Version : My own Commercial DVD's Bar Codes needed?

Andy Harding
April 6th, 2007, 06:07 PM
Hi I'm wanting to create my own DVD products now I've check out a little via the web with regards to the Bar codes on the back of the final cases BUT here are my questions.

I'm selling via small private retail outlets and the internet do I really need to have a bar code on the product?

How much in the UK will it cost me to register my bar code info and any one any links who i do this with?

Classification Exempt?, My DVD's with be more dockumentery (spelling?!) rather than a film so do I need to submit the DVD for classification and once again how much does this cost?

any help will get greatly recieved.

Chris Davis
April 11th, 2007, 10:42 AM
I don't know about the UK, but there is no legal requirement for them in the USA. However, many retailers require them simply as a matter of company policy.

UPC barcodes can be obtained cheaply through many vendors. You can also receive a unique UPC barcode directly from a DVD replication house (DiskMakers provides them free with any replication order.)

Just search Google for "UPC barcode".