View Full Version : Grindhouse....

Bob Thieda
April 6th, 2007, 01:44 PM
Anyone see it yet?
We're hopin' to go have been very good.

Bob T.

Alan James
April 6th, 2007, 07:12 PM
Great movie. I'm a big QT and RR fan (bigger RR fan then QT) and I thought it was totally their style. RR's movie was very RR. QT's movie was very QT. RR used all his normal actors, all his normal shots and cuts visual effects, everything that makes his movies great. QT did the same in his own way. His movie had lots of dialog and lots of action. As far as I can tell QT didn't have any visual effects and instead used the "old school" approach to making a movie.

Both movies had some of the same characters including Earl McGraw. You might remember him as the Texas ranger from "From Dusk Till Dawn" and from "Kill Bill vol 1". Well Earl McGraw is back again as their Texas ranger, being played for the third time by Michael Parks. He needs to have his own movie by now lol. I'm surprised Antonio Banderas and Samuel L. Jackson arnt in this movie seeing as how many other RR and QT actors are in it, but thats one thing I like about their movies, they are consistent.

Great movie by some great directors. Check it out.

Greg Boston
April 6th, 2007, 10:44 PM
As far as I can tell QT didn't have any visual effects and instead used the "old school" approach to making a movie.

Saw Kurt Russell talking about this movie on Jay Leno the other night and you are exactly right. Leno was practically in tears (big time car collector) hearing about how many classic Dodge Chargers they totaled while making the movie.

He mentioned that Tarantino didn't want any CGI stuff, strictly old school. I'm going to have to see it based on that alone.


Chris Hurd
April 6th, 2007, 11:15 PM
Saw that, Greg. Speaking of Leno, RR had his first appearance there ever, just the other night. The GH media blitz is in full swing!

Bob Thieda
April 7th, 2007, 05:27 AM
Well we went last night and I loved it....
My wife thought it was OK, but didn't get the whole grindhouse thing...

I thought both movies were very good, very fun, and yet very different.

Kurt Russel....where have you been?? Awesome job!

And I have to give QT credit for creating one of the best, non-cgi car chases I've seen in a long time.

Don't miss the fake previews before and between the movies....
And don't leave during the final last scene to make the audience gasp....;)

Not for the squeamish, LOL!

Bob T.

Alan James
April 7th, 2007, 09:12 AM
I always stay past the credits until the reel comes out of the gate but I didn't see any additional scene, unless I'm just not remembering it. I have to say me and my room mates got pretty drunk last night, good Friday and all, so last night is kinda hazy. I hate to ask this, because it might be a plot spoiler but what was the scene?

Bob Thieda
April 7th, 2007, 09:37 AM
I always stay past the credits until the reel comes out of the gate but I didn't see any additional scene, unless I'm just not remembering it. I have to say me and my room mates got pretty drunk last night, good Friday and all, so last night is kinda hazy. I hate to ask this, because it might be a plot spoiler but what was the scene?

Alan...its not after the credits. Its that last bit with Kurt Russel and the girls...
We get the "The End", the credits start but then it cuts back for one more short shot...

Sorry, I'm trying not to give it away...Let me know you want me to PM ya.

Michael Struthers
April 7th, 2007, 05:55 PM
Slap to the head entertainment! I had been reading RR's film was better, but QT proved to me he's still got it after a few misses....Richard Sarafian and Peter Yates, roll over!!

Ash Greyson
April 8th, 2007, 08:12 PM
Weinstein Co. is a little worried about the weekend numbers. They have over $100,000,000 invested and I think it pulled in $11mil.

Niche "R" rated movies should be made for $10-$20mil on the ridiculously high end...

ash =o)

Chris C. Collins
April 8th, 2007, 08:23 PM
He mentioned that Tarantino didn't want any CGI stuff, strictly old school. I'm going to have to see it based on that alone.

-gb-Yeah, Quentin's movie is great. Although I'm not a big Tarantino fan, this one was off the hook. I really hate CGI, it just looks so damn fake and I don't understand why people use it! In our day and age, everyone knows it's fake and I don't know about anyone else, but I lose the illusion of a great story being told on a great medium.

Anywho, this is an AMAZING theater experience, unlike any other. It takes you back to the 60's and 70's of ridiculous outside hollywood's guidelines movies.

I gotta say, the opening, the fake trailers, the "previus of coming attractions" was all a GREAT touch. Having outside directors like Eli Roth (Hostel) and some other dude that did Shaun of the Dead create fake and hilarious trailers to put in between "Planet Terror" and "Death Proof" was just magnificent and had me almost in tears laughing from the trailer for "Thanksgiving."

Haha! The only holiday they haven't shot a movie over...

Check it out right here!

PS: Tarantino should never act.

John McManimie
April 8th, 2007, 08:28 PM
I really hate CGI, it just looks so damn fake and I don't understand why people use it!

Cost, safety, gun-legs on dancers that couldn't be made for real...

Chris C. Collins
April 9th, 2007, 07:07 AM
Cost, safety, gun-legs on dancers that couldn't be made for real...True, but my point is CGI is used VERY often when they could just as easily have made it for real.

Take 2001: A Space Odyssey for example, Kubrick used all kinds of camera and set trickery to create the illusion of zero gravity and space. That is why it's so amazing! If you were to see the shot where Dave Bowman climbs down a ladder when it's upside down and spinning you would know what I mean. If these similar shots were done in CGI, they would have nowhere NEAR the same effect. The shot would lose credibility instantly from the fake look of 3D. That's what I'm saying..

In other situations, like where it's absolutely impossible to do it any other way, then yes; I can see where that's coming from. The girl's leg actually looked really good, at times I thought she was a peg-leg actor. But for the most part, I really don't enjoy CGI.

Chris C. Collins
April 11th, 2007, 06:18 PM
Did anyone watch that "Thanksgiving" fake trailer that was in Grindhouse? I posted the link a few posts above, it's hilarious!

PS: How come you can't edit posts from a few days ago?

Alan James
April 12th, 2007, 04:25 PM
lol yeah it was in the movie of course we saw it. I think its funny that Rob Zombie made one of the fake trailers in Grindhouse and he is also making the remake of Halloween. Seems to me that Eli Roth is pickin on Rob Zombie a bit.

Did anyone think it was funny that in Death Proof Kurt Russell's character drives his car through a movie sign with "Scary Movie 4" and "Wolfcreek" written on it? The joke is that those movies were both made digitally and Tarantino is a huge film guy. Kinda a metaphor, but maybe I'm looking to much into it.

Chris Hurd
April 13th, 2007, 10:10 AM
Saw it last night -- funny thing was I'm here in Las Vegas, get my seat at the 9pm showing at the UA theater on the Strip next to MGM Grand, from the row behind me I hear "Chris! Is that you?" -- I turn around and there's Curtis Harris, one of my buddies from the good 'ol Canopus days. He's with ProMax now and their whole crew was there... anyway I sat with Curtis and we laughed our butts off all the way through Planet Terror. Loved how both films were shot mostly in Austin, lots of great Austin references such as Guero's Taco Bar on S. Congress. But my *favorite* part of the whole thing?

Extensive placement of Shiner Bock throughout Death Proof!

(Look for our Shiner banner to reappear on DV Info Net after NAB).