View Full Version : export timelines and recapture as PAL?

Carl Walters
April 6th, 2007, 06:49 AM
Okay, so I shot my wedding in Pal format. Loaded all the footage in to PPro 2, spent a week editing a great video and burnt it to disc, then i noticed the bo##@%k i'd dropped. When I imported my footage into the computer i'd not changed it from NTSC to PAL, so now all the edited footage is in NTSC format.

Although the DVD players will play NTSC, the loading takes a while.

My question is, if I export the edited timelines onto PAL tape and then re capture the new tape with PPro set to pal will the copy be good enough to then burn a proper PAL DVD?

I have to have this to the customer by Sunday afternoon so quick replies would be very very welcome.

I won't make this mistake again.


Bill Ritter
April 6th, 2007, 07:37 AM
Do a three minute test and find out.

Make your DVD to folder and preview it on the computer. If it looks OK do the whole thing.


Carl Walters
April 6th, 2007, 09:08 AM
Okay, since posting this i've been experimenting trying different things. The problem I have is that if I try to export to tape using the NTSC files the camera and program won't play ball. I've tried setting up another project in PAL and exporting that to tape with no problem.

Looks like i'm in for a long day/night/day starting from scratch, including loading in the original footage again.

Lesson learned!!

Graham Hickling
April 6th, 2007, 09:59 AM
This is DV, right? If you imported your footage by firewire, those files should still be the original PAL (firewire imports are just digital files, no transcoding). So at the very least the raw file footage on your timeline should be OK...

Graham Hickling
April 6th, 2007, 10:02 AM
Thinking about say the "edited" footage is NTSC. Do you mean the "rendered" footage?

If so, and if the raw footage sitting in your timeline are your original firewire imports, then maybe all you'll need to do is simply specify PAL DV when you "export movie"??

Then use that avi file to generate you PAL mpeg for your DVD - no need to send it back to the camera.

Carl Walters
April 6th, 2007, 10:05 AM
This is DV, right? If you imported your footage by firewire, those files should still be the original PAL (firewire imports are just digital files, no transcoding). So at the very least the raw file footage on your timeline should be OK...

That's just what I thought Graham, but it appears that because I have the settings at NTSC, when I try to import it or export it at PAL it's all jumpy.

It's beyond me! I've already pulled half my hair out!! I'm now part way through re-editing and recapturing again.

Who said weddings were stressful? |At least there were no hicups with the photography side!

Bill Ritter
April 6th, 2007, 08:07 PM
One possibility is to get a VCR that is dual PAL / NTSC, I know a lady in Pa. that has one and converts PAL to NTSC all the time for clients.

Check with a company equivalent to they had them in the past.


Harm Millaard
April 7th, 2007, 04:06 AM

I would suggest the following workflow:

Source (PAL)>> PAL project, edit >> Export to PAL AVI

That keeps everything in PAL, no problems. Then use Canopus Procoder to convert your PAL AVI to NTSC. That gives you both PAL and NTSC files and you can choose the Encore project you need, either PAL or NTSC and import the relevant AVI file for authoring.

Carl Walters
April 8th, 2007, 07:31 AM

I would suggest the following workflow:

Source (PAL)>> PAL project, edit >> Export to PAL AVI

That keeps everything in PAL, no problems. Then use Canopus Procoder to convert your PAL AVI to NTSC. That gives you both PAL and NTSC files and you can choose the Encore project you need, either PAL or NTSC and import the relevant AVI file for authoring.

Thanks for the input folks.

I think things may be getting a bit off from my initial request. My workflow is normally shoot PAL>>PAL project, edit>Export to PAL, however on this occasion i made a mistake in that the PAL project was set to NTSC, so all the editing and PC capture was then NTSC, it was only when I came to burn the disc I noticed the problem.

I have spent the last 2 days and 1 night re capturing all the footage from two cameras, re editing and re-authoring the whole job. In fact as I'm typing now the disc has just ejected, hopefully with no problems.

Thanks for all your suggestions, but I should now have sorted it...never to make this mistake again. And for anyone else, make sure you check your settings!!!!

Harm Millaard
April 8th, 2007, 09:45 AM
If anybody makes a similar mistake (Carl, you will not repeat this I guess) another thing you could try is to create a new PAL project and import the edited mistakenly NTSC project into it.

Carl Walters
April 20th, 2007, 06:53 AM
If anybody makes a similar mistake (Carl, you will not repeat this I guess) another thing you could try is to create a new PAL project and import the edited mistakenly NTSC project into it.

I tried to do this but the footage that was captured from the camera had been resized to NTSC format. It played ok on the PC but was still jeky on the disc.

I did burn a NTSC dvd which played somewhat okay on a normal DVD player, but not good enough that I would give to a customer.