View Full Version : NTSC or PAL

February 9th, 2002, 10:40 AM

Is is possible to record and playback with the VX2000 in NTSC 'AND' PAL? Or is it NTSC 'OR' PAL?
Because i want to buy the vx2000 in the USA and ship it to the Netherlands.

So is it possible to record in NTSC and PAL?


Adrian Douglas
February 9th, 2002, 11:46 PM
That would be my dream, but unfortunately it's only that-a dream.

You can convert the footage from one to the other a couple of ways.

1. Using editing software like Premiere or FCP. This is easy and cheap but the quality will suffer as sometimes the image will become jerky due to the frame rate changes.

2. You can have it done by a production house. This is the way to go if you want the best quality but it's expensive.

DV is a great medium to work in but, just like everything big and small, there are always trade offs.