View Full Version : Selling finished product on consigment"

Bill Mecca
April 3rd, 2007, 02:10 PM
has anyone done this? I have produced a documentary that I think would be a good fit in some area organizations gift shops, but not sure how to go about placing it.

Is consignment the norm, or would it be better to sell it to them at a reduced rate, and they mark it up how ever much they want?

Jason Robinson
April 4th, 2007, 03:23 PM
has anyone done this? I have produced a documentary that I think would be a good fit in some area organizations gift shops, but not sure how to go about placing it.

Is consignment the norm, or would it be better to sell it to them at a reduced rate, and they mark it up how ever much they want?

I don't have an answer for ou, but I just wanted to add that I have a customer that will be in this exact position soon. So I will be looking forward to this answer as well.

Lisa Shofner
April 4th, 2007, 03:28 PM
In my opinion, I think it would be much better on your end - and easier on the store's end - for you to just sell your DVD to them at a very reduced wholesale rate.

For a store to track sales and report accurately back to you, and give you your percent, etc - it's very tricky. Not to mention the fact that some of the items WILL "walk out" and you won't see a dime for those.

Mike Teutsch
April 4th, 2007, 03:44 PM
I think that most stores would not want to spend money on an unknown item. To get in the door you should probably put them in on consignment or at a fair price then promise to take back what they don't sell. If they then sell well, you can change your method.


PS: If they walk out the door, the store will still be out either way!


Mark Williams
April 4th, 2007, 03:53 PM

I've tried sale by consignment and its a pain.... If your retailer is not fully committed to selling your product then (a) you have the wrong retailer or (b) your product is not highly marketable. Try defining your audience and tailor a marketing plan aimed more squarely at them. As far a price to the retailer, I sell DVD's wholesale at about 50% of his retail price.
