View Full Version : HV10 v HV20 questions

Elmer Lang
April 3rd, 2007, 12:29 PM
I had trouble checking the specs for the HV20, but I believe it's lens is .43 to the HV10's .37. Right?

And are the batteries for both the same or different?

Though using the same CMOS chip and processor I've the HV20 is noiser. Anything to the contrary?


Elmer Lang
April 3rd, 2007, 12:42 PM
I meant to ask: Though using the same CMOS chip and processor, another review seemed to imply the HV20 is noiser. Not true?

Ken Ross
April 3rd, 2007, 01:02 PM
Hi Elmer,
First off the lens of the HV20 is bigger than the HV10. Second, unfortunately the HV20 uses the same batteries, but fortunately for me it does use the same batteries as my Canon S80 digital still cam.

Lastly, in typical lighting there is no increase in noise. In very dim lighting there is a slight increase in noise but a brighter, much more usable picture (as stated by CCI) without those vertical lines that show up on the HV10 in dim light. You'll definitely prefer the low light shooting of the HV20 vs the HV10.

Bottom line is I find the HV20 to be a definite step up from the HV10. The greatly enhanced ergonomics is also a plus.

Elmer Lang
April 3rd, 2007, 01:22 PM
Second, unfortunately the HV20 uses the same batteries, but fortunately for me it does use the same batteries as my Canon S80 digital still cam.

Hi Ken,
Thanks much for the info.

But maybe because I've been making errors myself, I was wondering did you actually mean the HV20 uses different batteries? Somehow your quote above created uncertainty in my meager brain.

Sorry, if the obvious isn't obvious, but thanks for your info.


Ken Ross
April 4th, 2007, 07:41 AM
Elmer, that's because as I read my post I see I was totally incoherent. Yes, the HV20 uses different batteries. What I meant was it uses the same batteries as my Canon S80 digital camera. Sorry for the confusion.

Mike Teutsch
April 4th, 2007, 07:57 AM
I had trouble checking the specs for the HV20, but I believe it's lens is .43 to the HV10's .37. Right?

And are the batteries for both the same or different?

Though using the same CMOS chip and processor I've the HV20 is noiser. Anything to the contrary?


Check Chris's post here:
