View Full Version : Orson Welles' final (uncompleted movie) coming next year?

Heath McKnight
April 3rd, 2007, 10:50 AM
From imdb:

'Welles's Final Film May Soon See Light of Day

The Other Side of the Wind, Orson Welles's final, uncompleted film, which has languished in a cold-storage vault in Paris for more than 30 years, may finally arrive in theaters next year, director Peter Bogdanovich said at the Florida Film Festival in Orlando on Friday, the New York Sun reported. The newspaper said that Bogdanovich had told the Florida gathering, where he received the American Visionary Award, that he has reached an agreement to complete the film with a "well-known cable network," presumably Showtime, which has long expressed interest in the project. Welles died before completing the editing of the film, and the negatives have been at the center of legal wrangling between the film's backers and the Welles estate. "It's like Bleak House," Bogdanovich told the Orlando Sentinel last week, referring to Charles Dickens's 900-plus page masterpiece. "It just went on and on and on."'

I hope Criterion ( does a DVD release!


Cole McDonald
April 3rd, 2007, 11:35 AM
They should just release the script and the footage and let the community make edits of it...that would be fun. Gives me an idea!