View Full Version : HD100 video

Christopher Watson
March 29th, 2007, 10:18 AM

I have been lurking in this forum a LOT, and am grateful to all the people who contribute great information.

I just wanted to show you guys a sample piece I made, to see what people like yourself notice. This is the first time I have been able to do a project like this in like 7 years, so I am a bit rusty on a few things. With the exception of the acting, this was a one man show behind the camera; Camera, Audio, Editing, Lighting, Make-up, Writing and Directing. Yes, I am an egomaniac, but also I didn’t have budget for anyone else otherwise I would have gladly let others join in the fun.

This was shot with on an HD100, Stock Lens, 24p, True Color. The Kitchen scene used Natural Light. The garage used 3 China Balls with 60watt Flourscent light for base lighting, 600watt Halogen Type light with a soft box and One Practical (in scene) 75 watt light on the subject.

Editing was done in Premiere Pro, with a little audio touching done in Audition.

(added edit: If you are under the age of 17 please know that this may not be appropriate for you to veiw. Actually, it isn't appropriate for anyone who has a weak stomach or would rather not view violent content.)

Hmmm, that’s about it.

Chris Watson
Watson MediaWorks LLC.

Scott Jaco
March 29th, 2007, 10:37 AM
This doesn’t remind me of Hostel (sarcasm)

I’m honestly not into this kind of s**t. I feel that it could very easily influence the wrong person to mimic what was portrayed here.

It does have shock value.

I just find this sort of thing offensive. What if that was your daughter?

Christopher Watson
March 29th, 2007, 11:37 AM
This doesn’t remind me of Hostel (sarcasm)

I just find this sort of thing offensive. What if that was your daughter?

I am glad you have a reaction to it. I worry about the people who veiw it and hold their tongue or even worse people who are warm to this sort of thing.

Personally, this is a little gory for me too. But this what was asked, so this is what was delivered.

Thank you for your opinion.

Chris Watson
Watson MediaWorks LLC.

Abel Vang
March 29th, 2007, 01:00 PM
one reason why i don't like's not disturbing enough.....more gore!....mwuahahaha

Ben Lynn
March 29th, 2007, 01:36 PM

Please put a warning at the initial posting to let everyone know that this isn't appropriate for anyone under 17 and it contains graphic material (I know, that probably encourages every teenager on this forum to watch, but it does warn other people).

It was a good short for what it was meant for. Maybe on a tv it looks different, but online the blood looked very real and your technical work was great. A good conversation and cuts.

Dumb questions here, was that supposed to be a pun at the end? ("I'll keep her around as long as possible.") I think the last line could have been a better punchline but the conversation sounded pretty natural.

I need to go decompress from that one. It was very vivid and not my normal viewing material.


Christopher Watson
March 29th, 2007, 02:10 PM

Please put a warning at the initial posting to let everyone know that this isn't appropriate for anyone under 17 and it contains graphic material

Dumb questions here, was that supposed to be a pun at the end? ("I'll keep her around as long as possible.")


Yeah, I agree, I edited the original comment, this is prolly a little too much for some.

It was supposed to be a pun, I didn't want him to Hit On It too hard cause I was trying to keep a tone. I sorta feel sorry for Jeremy the actor, because he did exactly what I needed him to do; unfortunatly the by-product of that is people don't ask him to lunch anymore. ;)


Mike Marriage
March 29th, 2007, 03:39 PM
I thought it looked good and the acting was convincing.

To be critical, I would say that you could have made more of the phone call. You could have hinted at why he was the way he was - as it is, his mother sounds pretty normal, but I suppose he may just have a screw loose.

It would have also been nice to keep the victim as a reveal for later in the script. Fool the audience into thinking he is cooking or something and then revealing the victim. As it is, the story doesn't go anywhere because from the first few shots we know exactly what is going on.

I was also unsure as to whose story it was. We start on a ECU of the victim, but only really follow the murderer. Maybe it should have been more from his perspective.

Overall though it is pretty well made, if a little sick.

Scott Jaco
March 30th, 2007, 05:25 AM
one reason why i don't like's not disturbing enough.....more gore!....mwuahahaha

More gore doesn't make a movie scary or disturbing, in fact, I find it counterproductive.

Making the story plausible is the first step. Show how easily one can be led into a situation naively through misplaced trust. Then show how their poor judgment leads to their gruesome demise.

Christopher Watson
March 30th, 2007, 08:55 AM
More gore doesn't make a movie scary or disturbing, in fact, I find it counterproductive.

Making the story plausible is the first step. Show how easily one can be led into a situation naively through misplaced trust. Then show how their poor judgment leads to their gruesome demise.

Thank you for your opinion, again.

What did you think of the rotoscoping? That was kinda hard, there are even a few flaws.

Chris Watson
Watson MediaWorks

Wade Spencer
March 30th, 2007, 09:39 AM
I thought it looked good, but maybe use some color correction for some added mood.