View Full Version : Red Eye Wide Angle Adapter

Rene V. Santiago
March 29th, 2007, 07:02 AM
Hi, has anyone used the canadian made red eye wide angle adapter.
they cost $500 are they any good, is it worth the money.
planning to use it for my fujinon hs 18 x 5.5 berm hd lens F350 body.
appreciate all advice and thanks in advance.

rene santiago
freelance videographer

Emanuel Altenburger
March 29th, 2007, 11:54 AM
My red adapter arrived today. Will try it out on the weekend and let you know my thoughts about it.

John Abbey
March 29th, 2007, 12:14 PM
I also would like to know about this adapter, I want to use one on my jvc hd100 as it would allow me to use my matte box with it,but I wonder about edge softness and barrel distortion especially in HD...

Emanuel Altenburger
March 29th, 2007, 01:01 PM
I will post my thoughts asap.
If you want I can put some pictures up on the net. Comparisons, how picture changes etc. Will post them here

Rene V. Santiago
March 30th, 2007, 06:27 AM
Thanks Emanuel,that would be very nice,please tell us also if you use
16:9 format. I have a friend who is attending NAB next month Red Eye
may have a booth at the show if its any good I'll ask him to buy it for me.

rene santiago
freelance videographer

Emanuel Altenburger
March 31st, 2007, 04:45 AM

unfortunately the parcel didnīt contain the red eye adapter, so test shots will have to wait:-(

Peter Arnold
May 15th, 2007, 04:06 AM
Hello Emanuel

It's May. Any updates on the red eye adapter?


Emanuel Altenburger
May 15th, 2007, 11:28 AM
Huh, sorry folks!
Completely forgot that. Sorry!
I guess you wanna see a full blown up image (1920x1080), right? For now I´ve posted a screenshot but I´m just preparing a wmv for you.

->>> See the direct wmv-file grab down at my next post!

Emanuel Altenburger
May 15th, 2007, 12:59 PM
Ok, here is the screen grab from my 1920x1080 wmv file. There has no colour correction been made yet. Shot was done with Red Eye.

Greg Boston
May 15th, 2007, 04:07 PM
Ok, here is the screen grab from my 1920x1080 wmv file. There has no colour correction been made yet. Shot was done with Red Eye.

Looks a bit soft to my eye. Anyway, make sure you avail yourself of the lens file menu pages which have additional correction for adapters. I see a bit of CA in parts of the image.


Emanuel Altenburger
May 16th, 2007, 12:14 AM
hi greg,

thanks. do you think the conversion to wmv could soften the image as well? unfortunately i couldn´t play out the jpg directly of my avid, as my avid passed away this weekend. so i just had this wmv-file handy.

Peter Arnold
May 16th, 2007, 04:14 AM
Hi Emanuel

Sorry to hear your avid is in digital nirvana. May he rest in peace.

About the Red Eye: Are you happy with it, does it work properly, how do you like the form factor?



Emanuel Altenburger
May 16th, 2007, 03:06 PM
Yes, my good old Avid computer - is no in Avid heaven ... anyway, I am getting a new powerful replacement, so Iīm already happy again when looking forward to getting the new machine.

Anyway, concerning the red eye. For my jobs it works perfectly, gives me way more opportunities for composing nice wide shots.
It definitely works properly in my opinion. Setup is very easy and very fast. Itīs lightweight as well, so you can carry it with you all the time. It comes in a nice small leader-pouched bag. You just screw it directly onto the lens, set the macro and focus to infinity and off you go. Cool, light and easy. On a big screen the shots look fine to my eye. Surely this adapter cannot replace a wide angle lens but itīs also a lot lighter.
If you have any further questions just ask. I have done quite some shots with the red eye already and am more than happy with it.

Greg Boston
May 16th, 2007, 04:33 PM
hi greg,

thanks. do you think the conversion to wmv could soften the image as well? unfortunately i couldnīt play out the jpg directly of my avid, as my avid passed away this weekend. so i just had this wmv-file handy.

Looking at what appears to be a fence post in the left part of the image, I see red fringing. Looking at the tree branches in the right side of the image, they seem blurry. Maybe it was the conversion.

However, as I said in a previous post, look in your lens file pages. There are correction values that can be used when an adapter is fitted to the front of the lens. Won't help with resolving detail, but could help avoid flare and CA.

Thanks for posting this info. I have seen the Red-Eye adapter mentioned elsewhere and wondered about its quality.


Emanuel Altenburger
May 16th, 2007, 04:46 PM
I think youīre absolutely right about the fringing and thanks for the info about the lens file menu. Will definitely use it in the future.

cheers, em.

Greg Penetrante
May 19th, 2007, 10:04 AM
I think youīre absolutely right about the fringing and thanks for the info about the lens file menu. Will definitely use it in the future.

cheers, em.


How much of that fringing is due to the adaptor. Could the adapter be making the fringing from the lens worse?

best regards,

Emanuel Altenburger
May 19th, 2007, 10:41 AM

yes that could be. I know one canīt really see it, but I had a total back-light situation. Quite difficult conditions as it was shady nearly all the time and we had to wait for a second where the sun came through.
Iīll be testing out using a lens file as Greg B. suggested at a shoot this week. Will keep you updated if you want. However to me the image doesnīt appear to be much softer than without the adapter. It performs really very well to my eye.

- All the best, Em.