View Full Version : V1E & DR-60 = no "Expanded focus"

Max Volki
March 29th, 2007, 06:20 AM
If a DR-60-Drive is in use with a V1E, the function "Show Expanded Focus" is not available

Manual says on P. 39, left column, at the bottom:
Tip:, Unless "Rec.CTL.Mode" is off "Expanded-Focus-Button" is disabled

On P. 83 "EXT.REC.CTRL" it says: Set it to "Synchronous" if you use a connected external device to record

Not the same words, but the “Expanded-Focus button” is not working, I have to set it to OFF, then it works again

In HDV-mode, „Expanded focus" is extremely important to have exact focus

Has someone found a workaround to this limitation?


Brian S. Nelson
March 29th, 2007, 05:20 PM
This has happened to me several times. Each time I was quickly distracted except for the last time when I got really annoyed. As I remember, the function worked only after I turned the camera off and back on. I have the photo button assigned to expanded focus and fiddling with this setting didn't help. I have EXT.REC.CTRL set to synchronous. Now that I think about it this has happened only since I started using the DR-60. Strange.

Piotr Wozniacki
March 30th, 2007, 02:13 AM
Max, I'm afraid this is the way it has to be by design. If you read the manual carefully, you will notice quite a number of restrictions that seem unreasonable without deeper knowledge of how the camera works. As an example, just consider how many restrictions the progressive mode introduces (Expanded Focus only 1.5x vs 2 in Interlaced, BackLight not working etc.). Relax!

Max Volki
March 30th, 2007, 02:54 AM
I had a phone call from Prime-Support, about this

As it is written in the manual on P. 39, left column, at the bottom:
Tip: Unless "Rec.CTL.Mode" is off, "Expanded-Focus-Button" is disabled

They consider it not as a malfunction, but will forward the Question to "Japan". They didn’t know a workaround.

So I will tray "yours" (turning the Camera on and off).

>>>But if someone else, using V1x and DR-60, has a real workaround, please report. <<<<<<< you never know?

You can use “Expanded Focus” if you enter the menu, set "Rec.CTL.Mode"
to off, then adjust Focus, re-enter menu and set "Rec.CTL.Mode" back to synchronous . But this is much to complicated.

I did ask Support if "Japan" could find a way to lay this to an Assign-Button, as a temporary solution.


I haven’t used 25P, so I haven’t noticed all restrictions, that’s thru.

But exact focus is so necessary, on today’s big flats or with beamers, where you will notice the slightest "unsharpness"
I know, we have to wait, but sometimes such things can be “fixed” with a firmware update. But if “Japan” doesn’t know our wishes, they will do nothing.


Brian S. Nelson
March 30th, 2007, 06:20 PM
My "fix" (turn on/off) doesn't work. I tried it yesterday. I must have switched something else. I know I didn't turn "Rec.CTL.Mode" off. I'll let you know if I manage to replicate my "fix". I can get by without expanded focus, but agree that it's a bummer.