View Full Version : Yet another Ignorant Newbie joins!

Brendan Getchel
April 26th, 2003, 02:22 PM
Howdy all. I'm a newbie with a LOT to learn. I've been into photography (still learning there too) and find many similarities (and differences) that seem to be expediting my maturation process in video -- especially lighting and how to use shutter and aperture (iris, in video parlance) -- since they have corresponding values in photography.

This is totally a hobby and I'm a rank newbie amateur. I have a new Canon GL2 and a 3-year-old Sony VX2000, which seems to age quite well. I now prefer the Canon for most of my shooting style as the final results look decidedly better, IMHO (outdoor, nature, architecture). I'm in the process of probably ditching the GL2 in favor of the new DVX1000. I have a Gitzo G1325V carbon fiber tripod and Gitzo G1380 "Fluide" head. I use Gitzo carbon for my photography too, so it's familiar to me.

I'm in Waterbury, CT. I'm 35, male, hetero (whoa! going too far), married, three cats, anti-child, I have lots of hair, but most of it is on my back ;-)

Anyway, I really look forward to the new journey we're embarking on (wife too). Videography excites me and I hope to progress to the point of making some good stuff. We travel frequently to remote, out-of-the-way places all around the world and hope to be able to perhaps market some of our stuff (not for money, I'm not that hopeful) eventually to the likes of the Travel Channel, or an inferior competitor -- who knows.

Thanks for listening, see you out there.

Frank Granovski
April 26th, 2003, 02:40 PM
You don't sound dumb to me. Welcome!

my cats are my only reason I continue ticking

Ken Tanaka
April 26th, 2003, 02:42 PM
Welcome Brendan!
Glad to have you with us. You're in good company here, as many of us pursue video just as a hobby.

K. Forman
April 26th, 2003, 06:37 PM
Welcome Brendan. As far as ignorant? Everyone by nature can be ignorant from time to time... it's only a problem if that is all you aspire to be. Nobody has all the answers... well, all the RIGHT answers anyways, which is why this forum is here. People here have done things the wrong way, learned to do it the right way, and enjoy sharing their experiences.

I do things the wrong way all the time. Sometimes it actually works, sometimes not. Sometimes I have figured out a different way to accomplish a task... sometimes I have hallucinations and only THINK I have it figured out . Learn and share, this is a site that cares.

And later, we'll all hold hands and sing Cumbiah and make S'mores :)

Brendan Getchel
April 26th, 2003, 10:38 PM
Mmmmm.... Kumbaya and S'mores! I can't wait ;-)

I do things wrong all the time. I think it's genetic, so "thanks dad." I'm a gadget freak/techno junkie, so I have to force myself to keep a level head. I always want the "latest and greatest" but am coming to the realization that if I can't use my "old" stuff to its fullest potential, what makes me think I'm going to do better with new stuff.

It's a strange time we're living in, these days. It has become all to easy for every buffoon with two nickels to rub together to get into digital photography and video. Whereas just a decade ago it was more difficult and really necessitated at least basic qualifications to make it work, now everything has been dumbed down -- and we're seeing the result everywhere.

I'm hoping NOT to add to the lowest common denominator ;-)

K. Forman
April 27th, 2003, 08:01 AM
I know that feeling... I can't look at a video magazine without wanting at least one of everything. Especially the Varizoom ads! If I wasn't broke all the time, I would be broke from tech shopping. And all I ever wanted to do was edit!

You will learn from using the old stuff, and do just fine. The new stuff can make it easier. It will only make it better, if you know what you are doing. My advice to you, is to play, play, play. If you are having fun doing this, it's easier to learn. Learn the basics of videography, what it takes for a good image. Crank up the level of each project just a little, and learn one new thing each time.

Before long, you will be able to make those travel videos appealing.