View Full Version : how to know if a hv10 is pal or ntsc

Eino Lehtinen
March 28th, 2007, 07:19 AM
Can someone please look at their hv10:s bottom tag, and tell me the model code(or similar) for the NTSC, and PAL versions of the HV10..

Thanks alot.

Toenis Liivamaegi
March 28th, 2007, 07:35 AM
If it shoots 60i or 30 frames per second and most likely has shutter speeds that are divisible by 30 it`s not PAL.
Most NTSC consumer camcorders have shutter speeds like 30/60/120/ etc whereas PAL cams have 50/100/150 and so on.


Eino Lehtinen
March 28th, 2007, 07:58 AM
ok, the thing is, i am buying a camcorder, and i need to confirm if it is a Pal or ntsc version without using it, so if anybody could post those model numbers, that would be great.

Matthew Taylor
April 5th, 2007, 04:24 PM
Sorry its took so long to reply - been waiting for my account to come through.

I have imported an NTSC HV10 into the UK (£499 delivered from Ebay) and on the top of it near the mic it has the following printed on it...
"HD Video camcorder HV10 NTSC"

So its pretty easy to spot that its an NTSC model.

Hope you are still around to read this reply.