John Wheeler
March 27th, 2007, 12:43 PM
Hello all,
I have an office which I would like to convert to a "video studio", so I can do green screen work. For all of the exposed surfaces OTHER than the wall with the green screen (ceiling, walls, floor) would it be beneficial to paint them flat black? Or should I not?
Philip Gioja
March 27th, 2007, 01:17 PM
I've heard some people say flat black, some say off-white or neutral white, some say gray. I'm building a photo and video studio right now and haven't decided yet. I was thinking black but don't want it to be too oppressive. Might go with a flat gray.
Lisa Shofner
March 27th, 2007, 02:04 PM
In my opinion, the color of the room depends on what you plan to do with it.
If it is ONLY for shooting/greescreening, then I'd say paint the whole room flat black - all 6 walls. That will reduce glares and light bouncing, so you'll have better control over your light for your shoots.
If you are going to make it an "office" and a studio (like if you'll be having client meetings in there), then you might want to go with a slate color to remove the enclosing feeling of black and yet still have the ability to control lighting well.
Also, when you are running green-screen - make sure you allow for screen on the floor if you ever plan to show anything below the knee. Also, the area where the floor meets the wall (for the green screen) should be curved to eliminate the dark line caused by the meet.
I think that the best course of action would be to paint the whole room flat black or dark slate gray. Then build/buy the greenscreen separately (rather then painting it on the wall). This way you can adjust it as needed, etc.