View Full Version : post video steadying of wolf shot
William Boehm March 27th, 2007, 09:55 AM i have years of SD videos of wildlife and scenics on a GL1, and now a Canon XH A1 for past few months, with some clips i would like to take the shake out of. One particularely good footage is of two wolves in Jasper that are only 25 feet away in forest and cover. I Have Adobe Primier Pro (2 yr ago version) that i havent used yet. Has anyone out there used Virtual Plug Deshaker! to steady the SD footage that was a grab shot. FAirly steady for 2 seconds of footage, then a shaking as i zoomed in, then steady again for 2 more seconds.
SEcondly what should i be useing to import these shots on the PC? I have no experience in editing. Thanks in advance. Bill
Eric Weiss March 27th, 2007, 09:58 AM I use Dynapel SteadyHand in post to steady footage. It's quite good.
i have years of SD videos of wildlife and scenics on a GL1, and now a Canon XH A1 for past few months, with some clips i would like to take the shake out of. One particularely good footage is of two wolves in Jasper that are only 25 feet away in forest and cover. I Have Adobe Primier Pro (2 yr ago version) that i havent used yet. Has anyone out there used Virtual Plug Deshaker! to steady the SD footage that was a grab shot. FAirly steady for 2 seconds of footage, then a shaking as i zoomed in, then steady again for 2 more seconds.
SEcondly what should i be useing to import these shots on the PC? I have no experience in editing. Thanks in advance. Bill
Bogdan Tyburczy March 27th, 2007, 10:56 AM Bill -
I have not used Deshaker, I usually stabilize motion in After Effects, but if your tool does not give you good results, try to do that manually in PPro. If it's only a few seconds scene, it may be fairly easy with scale and position parameters keyframed in timeline.
Premiere Pro and HDV are widely discussed in this forum. I'm sure you will find tons of useful tips in these pages. Before you start make sure to download and install Canon HDV presets from Adobe. You should be able to import your footage then with no problems.
One more tip, connect your A1 to PC while it's off, turn A1 on, give Windows enough time to recognize your camcorder and then launch Premiere.
Chuck Spaulding March 27th, 2007, 11:00 AM Do you have the production bundle with AE7?
Did you shoot this in HDV or DV? Do you want to edit SD or HD?
The way that you asked your questions is a bit like a first time pilot asking a flight instructor "how do you land this thing?" There's a lot you should know before worrying about which stabalizer plug-in you should use.
I'd recommend that you spend the time to learn how to edit SD in Premiere Pro first, while your doing that research editing HDV natively versus non-natively and then worry about which plug-ins to use.
Sure there are lots of stabalizer plug-ins available but they aren't very effective if you don't know how to use them. Your starting off with the pointy end of the stick...
William Boehm March 27th, 2007, 11:39 AM i understand i was scattered in my question.
the wolf shot, and 99% of my footage is in SD with the CAnon Gl1. I have downloaded Primier Pro, but have not used it yet. i desire to get started this week, and i hope i havent placed this question in the wrong thread. I would like to practise obviously with SD, and i am not quite sure how to start, but should get a firewire. have two large hard drives, one dedicated to operating the computer, the other for video. All of this sytem was purchased 2 years ago, the middle ages i am sure in computer memory time. The GL 1 is toast, so i would have to use the A1 to capture and transfer to the computer. do i store the edited stuff on a new tape? dvd? I would like to condense first a lot of raw footage of wildlife, kids and scenics .
I will do the HD with the A1 following that...just trying to learn the shooting a bald eagle with a complex background, watchinn IA focus on the background or forground limb (eagle was 1/5 of frame). I would like to get started, and appreciate the help.
Thanks ahead of time to those who help amatuers like me in geting started not only with important tips to video HD, but for the downloading steps. bill
Chuck Spaulding March 27th, 2007, 12:31 PM Your attempting to learn a lot all at once, probably as good a way as any...
Here are some links to some resources that could help: -- this is a great site for video tutorials for PPro and many other applications. Great for beginners, self paced 24/7. There are several levels of membership. I'm on the monthly and it is a great value. -- this is Adobe's site for PPro. Although there are no Adobe employees on the site there are a vast range of users sharing their experiences. -- self explanatory -- if you frequent many of the forums regarding PPro your going to run across Steven sooner or later, so you might as well learn about him sooner. He's very knowledgeable about PPro, HDV, HD etc and is very willing to help people who are serious about learning PPro. -- although this is pricier, if you want to get up to speed quicker Total Training has excellent training DVD's.
Good luck and have fun.
Peter Jefferson March 27th, 2007, 08:49 PM steadyhand is ok until you get to exposure fluctuations.
i find VirtualDub's Deshaker to be the best and most comprehensive stabilising app out there.. and best of all its free
Cole McDonald March 27th, 2007, 09:34 PM I have shake, I'll do it for you...PM me.