View Full Version : UWOL Challenge #2 Urban Recreation

Bob Safay
March 25th, 2007, 04:35 PM
Here is my entry. Shot at Piedmont Park, Atlanta, GA. I have been fortunate to have lived by this park for 20 years. I used a Canon XL-2 and edited on Vegas. Music by Music Bakery

Kevin Railsback
March 25th, 2007, 05:12 PM

Nice day in the life of film. I was waiting for that great VO voice! :)

At 1:37PM what was she taking pictures of?

Favorite scene: The man in the wheelchair and his dog.

I think you did a good job showing the muliple uses our recreational areas are good for.

Good job as always!

James Hooey
March 25th, 2007, 07:59 PM

Great montage of recreation going on at your local park. Lots of very interesting activities and pretty solid shooting throughout. Different angles might have added a bit more artistic quality, but the action is what drives this piece I think. The music is quite complementary as well.

Coming from amature land (speaking of myself) the question of model release was on my mind throughout this video. When you go out to shoot like this in public it would be a logistical nightmare to stop everyone that you shoot and have them agree to a release form. Is it free game in the U.S. to film recognizable people if it is in a public place? Does anyone know the legalities of this in Canada? I have read lots of info on the forums that leads me to think this is the way of things but here is a video perfectly exemplifing this.

Gabriel Yeager
March 25th, 2007, 08:04 PM
That was a cool video Bob. I watch it earlier on in the day, but you did not have a feedback thread for me to post my comments on, but now you do, so I can! :D

I liked how you showed all the different people in one place, I thought that was very cool.

It was so funny to see all the people there on photography shoots.
I was laughing so much when I saw the girl at 00:35 when she was getting her picture taken! She did not have much for a smile!

Fun video, Two thumbs up! Keep on doing what you do!

Brian McKay
March 25th, 2007, 09:05 PM
Hello Bob:

Loved the film your in my top five for sure, Music was a treat worked super well with the overall mood of the film.

Must agree the powered wheelchair and the dog was excellent. Clean edits paced just about right.

Thanks Brian

Ruth Happel
March 25th, 2007, 09:12 PM

This was a great slice of life. Gave a real feeling for the park, and the editing was good showing everyone really active and then winding down late in the day.

There must have been something about the man in the wheelchair and his dog, since that really caught my eye, too. Maybe that is the only thing I would change about this- I really wanted to see more of them, though of course that wasn't the theme of your video. I had the urge to grab your camera and follow him :)


Dale Guthormsen
March 25th, 2007, 10:18 PM

this was the best, of the non wildlife footage in my book. I liked the way you cut it together.

Chris Barcellos
March 26th, 2007, 10:16 AM
Very nice "slice of life" film. Its amazing what goes on in a public park, and all the different activities going on at that same time !!

Geir Inge
March 26th, 2007, 10:17 AM
Bob, I think your video was great.
Citylife can also be a place for recreation, and you've captured the essence of it in your film. Thanks for sharing and good luck in Uwol#2.

Trond Saetre
March 26th, 2007, 12:27 PM
Bob, you have a really nice video.
Nice to see other types of recreation than only sports or wildlife/animals.
Keep it coming. You do very well.

Marco Wagner
March 26th, 2007, 12:33 PM
Great shots, you really capture the reality of recreation, it's not all basejumping and dirt biking :-)

Per Johan Naesje
March 27th, 2007, 12:24 AM
First of all congrats with your runner up price!

I didn't have time to watch this before the decision was made. Second what have been said by the others.
The film had a nice pace with adequate music, nice edit good picture quality. Some shoots was out of horizon level but that is minor.

Keep up your good work Bob!

Bob Safay
March 27th, 2007, 03:45 AM
I want to thank everyone for your comments. I have been on the road and leave again this morning. I think these challenges are really making me think more about how I shoot and edit. Cannot wait for the next one. Again, thanks to everyone that tok the time to enter and to submit their videos. Bob

Catherine Russell
March 27th, 2007, 09:40 AM
Well done Bob:

I was very taken by this film. I thought it captured the essence of "recreation" to the best of all of us. And your film-making tallent didn't give it the feel of simply scenes of park-goers. It captured much more than that and had great composition.

Very well done.

Thank you
Cat Russell
Spike Productions

Grant Sherman
March 30th, 2007, 04:14 AM
Hi Bob,

Great video, my favourite 'people as wildlife' film ;-)

Bob Safay
March 31st, 2007, 08:34 AM
Kevin and others, sorry it took so long to get back to you. The lady with the camera was taking pictures of our resident ducks. Just on that day there were 3 groups doing photo shoots, I showed two in the video. The drummers get together almost every Saturday evening during the summer. The man in the wheelchair with the dog is also a permenant figure at the Park. The question on model releases is interesting and I will research it. As it was in a public park and this was not for profit I don't think there would be a problem. There are people filming and videoing there all the time. Oh, the opening shot of the two men with fly rods are part of a fly fishing class held there on Saturday mornings, and that same area is where Buffelo Bill had his Wild West Show set up during the Great Exhibition around 1895. I really enjoy living so close to this great park. Bob