View Full Version : Can I camo the inside of my lens hood?

Ray Lindsay
March 25th, 2007, 09:08 AM
I am using my A1 for filming wildlife. I have used camo-clad for the outside of the lens hood. I wish that I could camo the inside portion but fear that it would reflect too much light/color into the lens.


Harold Schreiber
March 25th, 2007, 09:23 AM
Hi Ray,

Why do you think you even need too ?? Is it not Flat Black, on both the inner and outer surfaces ?

Is not your lens still going to be reflective, and perhaps catch the eye of the animal you are trying to Video ??

It seems simple a thing to try out if you have some camo material, just try it and see what you get the regarding lens issues.

By the way, what kind of wild life are you doing Video of in our area ??


Ray Lindsay
March 25th, 2007, 10:19 AM
Hi Harold. Hope you're enjoying this beautiful weather!

I plan to film wild turkeys. They are extremely sensitive to movement and things that stand out. I'm just trying to avoid things that catch their eye. As the camera is pointing at them this is the majority of what they see and although it is black, it does stand out a bit.

I realize that this is probably overkill, and you can't eliminate everything that they may see, I am just trying to minimize the things that may spook them.

Harold Schreiber
March 25th, 2007, 06:22 PM
Hi Ray,

Loving this weather. Hope it is as good come May 12 & 13, when I do a Horse Trials event out at LongView Park. Starts at 7AM and goes all day, both days. Hope to be running two Camara folks, although I need a third, as they are having 3 Dressage arenas going at the same time on Sat. Sunday is only one arena for the Stadium Jumping.

For your Cam, another option might be to use a larger piece of camo cloth, like enough to cover your head, shoulders, and Cam, and put in two openings - one for you to see thru and the second for the Cam's lens to shoot thru. You could also put in openings to put the Cam's viewfinder &/or the LCD thru. That would maximize your hidden status.

Just a thought.


Jim Michael
March 25th, 2007, 06:32 PM
Wacky idea - cut an irregular piece of material and paint it black or dark camo pattern. Cut a hole for lens and mount the material to the cameral lens (gaffer tape the back side). Now you have something that looks more like a natural shadow when viewed from the turkey's POV.

Harold Schreiber
March 25th, 2007, 07:12 PM
Hi Jim,

I've used flat black Duvitine (sp?) cloth for covering equipment for a couple of horse shows. Those creatures can be very skiddish in unfamilar suroundings and with strange unfamilar devices standing around.


Ray Lindsay
March 25th, 2007, 07:13 PM
Thanks guys, I appreciate the ideas of a camo "cape". I actually considered something like that, however I would get hot and claustrophobic under that. Plus I want to be able to see the buttons, controls, etc. that I may need to adjust as I film.

I think I have it pretty much done. The only thing left to consider is the lens hood inside. I may just try it as is and adjust if I spook the birds.

I'll try to post a pic of my rig later.

Ray Lindsay
March 26th, 2007, 01:52 PM
I took a picture but found out I am not allowed to post attachments........

Harold Schreiber
March 26th, 2007, 06:11 PM
Hey Ray,

Send me Pics by PM, I'd like to see it.


Toenis Liivamaegi
March 28th, 2007, 09:00 AM
I`ve been shooting wildlife with camouflaged stocking-like nylon covering my lens hood to avoid any reflections and such. I`think snipers use this type of approach on these days too.

You can just buy a camouflaged pantyhose of your choice and do it yourself in 30 secs it just requires some cutting and fixing it between the lens hood and lens barrel when mounting the hood. You can also cover your face this way to avoid eyeglass or eye shine.

I think A1 could focus almost on the front element of the lens so be careful not to autofocus on your new piece of camouflage.

BTW it will almost certainly not degrade your footage in any significant way as many professional wildlife photographers have been doing that for years.
But please try to test it before you go out for serious shooting as different materials can have different characteristics and may not work. Check specially any (near) lens flare situations etc.


Bill Pryor
March 28th, 2007, 10:25 AM
I'm trying to visualize the type of woman who would wear camouflage panty hose....

Bill Hamell
March 28th, 2007, 11:13 AM
I'm trying to visualize the type of woman who would wear camouflage panty hose....

I don't think you can after all she is camoflaged.... (grone) :-)